111+ Best and famous Attachment quotes(2024)

111+ Best and famous Attachment quotes

Explore Best and Famous Attachment quotes given below-

Emotional attachment refers to the feelings of closeness and affection that help sustain meaningful relationship over time. Attachment plays an important role in human connection. The earliest bonds you form with parents and family members can guide and shape the attachments you develop to friends and romantic partners later in life.You can become emotionally attached to people even without romantic or sexual attraction. Simply feeling close to someone helps you bond and increases your sense of connection.This attachment might help you feel safe, comfortable, happy, maybe even somewhat euphoric in their company. So here are some best and famous attachment quotes.

1) ”Attachment is the source of all suffering.”-Buddha

2) ”You live life better when you are free from the fear of losing.”-Nitin Namdeo

3) ”Let go of your attachments: your attachment to being right, to having total control, or to living forever. This process of letting go is integral to the process of becoming whole”- Judith Hanson Lasater

4) ”Materialism, attachment to things of the world, includes pride. Many religious people suffer from pride: taking pleasure or even delight in being good, or religious.”-Idries Shah

5) ”There is no more destructive force in human affairs — not greed, not hatred — than the desire to have been right. Non-attachment to possessions is trivial when compared with non-attachment to opinions.”-Mark A.R. Kleiman

6) ”Non-possession” does not mean having nothing. It does not mean to live as a penniless beggar. Rather than meaning having nothing, it is the idea of not possessing what we do not need. The more we possess, The more we have attachments.”-Boep Joeng

7) ”Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You’re able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgement.”- Ralph Marston

8) ”A feeling of aversion or attachment towards something is your clue that there’s work to be done.”- Ram Das

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9) ”The universe is made up of experiences that are designed to burn out your attachment, your clinging, to pleasure, to pain, to fear, to all of it. And as long as there is a place where you are vulnerable, the universe will find a way to confront you with it.”-Ram Das

10) ”If we can give up attachment to our roles as helpers, then maybe our clients can give up attachment to their roles as patients and we can meet as fellow souls on this incredible journey. We can fulfill the duties of our roles without being trapped by over-identification with them.”-Ram Das

11) ”Pray to God that your attachment to such transitory things as wealth, name, and creature comforts may become less and less every day.”-Ramakrishna

12) ”It is useful to study different traditions in order to be free of attachment to any one way of expressing what is beyond expression.”- Ravi Ravindra

13) ”Practice giving things away, not just things you don’t care about, but things you do like. Remember, it is not the size of a gift, it is its quality and the amount of mental attachment you overcome that counts.So don’t bankrupt yourself on a momentary positive impulse, only to regret it later. Give thought to giving. Give small things, carefully, and observe the mental processes going along with the act of releasing the little thing you liked.”- Robert Thurman

14) ”It is better to proceed with one’s duty in the service of others than wallow in the pain attachments brings.”-Robyn Davidson

15) ”The root of the aged palm tree exceed those of the young one; the old have a greater attachment to the world.”- Saib Tabrizi

16) ”Stop getting attached to people so fast, because attachments lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointments”

17) ”Never get too attached to anyone unless they also feel the same towards you, because one sided expectations can mentally destroy you.”

18) ”A lot of people don’t have a genuine connection with their partner, they just have an unhealthy attachment.”-Stephan Labossiere

19) ”Love without attachment is the purest love because it isn’t about what others can give you because you’re empty. It is about what you can give others because you’re already full.”

20) ”Attachments are only good for email, not for real life.”

21) ”Attachment is the very opposite of love. Love says ‘I want you to be happy.’ Attachment says, ‘I want you to make me happy.”-Tenzin Palmo

22) ”Detachment is not about refusing to feel or not caring or turning away from those you love. Detachment is profoundly honest, grounded firmly in the truth of what is.-Sharon Salzberg

23) ”This is the problem with getting attached to someone. When they leave, you just feel lost.”

24) ”Understand that you own nothing. Everything that surrounds you is temporary; only the love in your heart  will last forever.”- Leon Brown

25) ”The secret of healthy and happy relationship is not getting attached but getting connected.”- Nitin Namdeo

26) ”You don’t really need to get attached to love someone.”- Nitin Namdeo

27) ”Healthy  involvement is far better than unhealthy attachment.”

28) ”Get involved but don’t get attached.”

29) ”Lose your attachment to everything that prevents you from living a peaceful life.”

30) ”Life is quite easy, beautiful, and peaceful until you get attached to things and people.”

31) ”The only way to achieve true freedom in life is to lose attachment to everything.”

32) ”Having an emotional connection with someone is a beautiful feeling, but don’t let your emotional energy causes you grief; let it be the cause of your peace and happiness.”

33) ”You don’t get attached to the person; you get attached to the feelings towards that person.”

34) ”Attachment to anything takes away our ability to experiences life to the fullest.”

35) ”If you want to reach the pinnacle of success in life, you have to break the bond of attachments.”

36) ”Those who know the mortal nature of life well are not attached to anything.”

37) ”The more greedy you are, the more you get attached to things, and the more you suffer.”

38) ”It is good to have emotions, but excessive attachment to anything represents your ignorance.”

39) ”You are born to live in freedom, do not limit your life to temporary satisfaction.”

40) ”When you learn to enjoy the flow of life, you separate yourself from delusion and captivity.”

41) ”You must learn to control your emotions; temporary emotions can lead you to a permanent attachment.”

42) ”Get attached to your inner peace, and there will be no other attachment in your life. Inner peace is the most addictive.”

43) ”Always perform your duty efficiently and without attachment to the results, because by doing work without attachment one attains the Supreme.”

44) ”You live life better when you are free from the fear of losing.”

45) ”Excessive attachment to anything in life makes you mentally enslaved.”

46) ”Attachment to the outcome destroys your creativity.”

47) ”Attachment is a kind of illusion that keeps you away from reality.”

48) ”You cannot hold anything, the only thing you can do is to live in the present.”

49) ”Why get attached to anything in life while there are infinite possibilities to  explore.”

50) ”The less attached you are the wider the vision you will have.”

51) ”When you get attached to your inner self, all the materialistic attachment ends itself.”

52) ”Get attached to your higher purpose in life, and there will be no suffering.”

53) ”Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be attained only by someone who is detached.”

54) ”Attachment is the strongest block to realization.”

55) ”What cannot be communicated to the other cannot be communicated to the self.”- John Bowlby

56) ”Though surely to avoid attachments for fear of loss is to avoid life.”- Lionel Shriver

57) ”Why was I holding on to something that would never be mine? But isn’t that what people do?”- Bret Easton Ellis

58) ”People seem to get used to anything, and it is a short step from adaptation to attachment.”- Lionel Shriver

59) ”Time will generally lessen the interest of every attachment not within the daily circle.”-Jane Austen

60) ”When a thing becomes indispensable it’s time to give it up.”- Marty Rubin

61) ”It is useful to study different traditions in order to be free of attachment to any one way of expressing what is beyond expression.”-Ravi Ravindra

62) ”Because love is imagination, it has the power to open unsuspected horizons, kindle hope, and make us to our best friends, rousing affection, good feelings, sunniness, attachment, and passion. ”-Erik Pevernagie

63) ”If giving my everything is what it takes, I won’t hesitate, not for even a second. That’s what it means to have something you’d give your life to keep safe.”- Kyuugou

64) ”It’s harder to pick and choose when you’re dead. It’s like a photograph, you know. It doesn’t matter as much.”- Neil Gaiman

65) ”to have a deep attachment for a person (or a place or thing) is to have taken them as the terminating object of our instinctual responses.”- John Bowlby

66) ”The cause of fear: attachment. The cure for fear: detachment.”-Jay Shetty

67) ”There is a huge difference between CONNECTION and ATTACHMENT. One gives you the power to grow, the other sucks the life out of you.”- Olawale Daniel

68) ”We don’t need non-attachment, we need more attachment, attachment with the suffering of others – attachment with the miseries of others – attachment with the sweat and tears of others – attachment with the smile of others – we need attachment with each and every depraved soul on this earth. When you’ve fostered such attachment, that day I’ll call you human – that day I’ll call you alive.”-Abhijit Naskar

69) ”There are many things in the world. If we care for them all a little, we won’t feel the hurt too much when we part with one.”-Elizabeth Yates

70) ”It is not attachment that is the cause of all suffering in the world; it is ignorance that is the cause of suffering in the world. It is the ignorance of knowing that the world is self and that self appears differentiated to itself so not to be by itself and this for the singular purpose of self-companionship, self-friendship, self-love. Knowing this is salvation. Knowing this is bliss. For indeed; the purpose of self – the meaning of life – is nothing else but love; sweet indelible love.”-Wald Wassermann

71) ”Distance doesn’t lend enchantment, distance lends delusion, whereas closeness lends real enchantment.”- Abhijit Naskar

72) ”Get attached to your interest, some attachments mean for experience instead of reasons.”- Sonal Takalkar

73) ”When you’re attached to a player or team, it enhances your experience of watching the game. But too much attachment gives you pain. God doesn’t give you pain. Your own attachment does.”- Shunya

74) ”Love is a blessing, but it turns into a curse in attachment.”-Hazrat Inayat Khan

75) ”Love know compassion, but no concern.”-Osho

76) ”Attachment is overrated, whether it’s your first bike or your first crush. Never feel sad for letting things go.”- Sarvesh Jain

77) ”Grace is the glue of healthy, life-giving connections with God and with others. It is foundational to the creation of deep and enduring attachments that help us grow increasingly secure in love.”-  Ed Khouri

78) ”To become a disciple isn’t something you and I drift into. It is Someone we attach to.”-Ed Khouri

79) ”You are holding a cactus plant in your hand. You are bleeding and cursing the cactus but not letting go of it. Cactus is not hurting you. Your own attachment with the cactus is hurting you.”- Shunya

80) ”Attachment hurts you, detachment heals you back. At the end of the cycle, you are no longer the same person. This entire cyclic process is love. It evolves you. Attachment alone is not love.”- Shunya

81) ”When you are attached to things and people, you are the only one to take care of them. When you get detached, your identity expands and higher powers manifest through you to take care of them.”

82) ”Love and hate both are attachments. If you love apple and hate orange, life will give you such a hybrid of apple and orange that you will neither be able to eat it nor throw it. So, don’t let your dislikes turn into hate.”

83) ”People who claim to love you swear that they can die for you, but they won’t let you live in peace.”

84) ”Imagine two trees standing some distance apart. They can either meet by bending towards each other or by extending their roots towards each other. Attachment happens at the surface. Love happens at the roots of your being.

85) ”If two types of attachments are pulling you in two opposite direction and you’re not able to decide which way to go, take a break from both attachments. Conflict will automatically resolve. A few months of solitude can save you from lifetime of complications.”

86) ”Sunrise and sunset are beautiful moments but you can’t hold them. Let things move. There will be more sunrises and sunsets.”

87) ”Opposite of love is attachment, not hate. Hate is an explicit form of attachment. Love takes you towards freedom, attachment binds you more and more.”

88) ”Even a soft pillow can become a problem if you permanently stitch it around your neck.”

89) ”In our attempt to make things permanent, we ruin them forever.”

90) ”When we love someone, we want them to be truly happy; we don’t have an attachment to them making us feel happy.”

91) ”The game of human life is designed in such a way that you can’t be 100% sure whether something is right for you or wrong. You have to invest your own energy to assure yourself that it’s right for you. Once you’ve invested yourself in something, you have got attached to that thing.”

92) ”have a mind that is open to everything but attached to nothing.”-Wayne W. Dyer

93) ”Only love can handle honesty, not attachment. Hence love is free from lies while attachment is the breeding ground of lies.”

94) ”Love is pure like rain falling from the sky. Attachment is like rainwater stored in the pit of possessiveness.”

95) ”Every free thing has an invisible cost attached to it.”-Mwanandeke Kindembo

96) ”Don’t show so much attachment to someone that they start lying to keep your heart.”

97) ”Don’t hold on. Remember: life is ours to spend, not to keep.”-Marty Rubin

98) ”Sometimes we are lucky to lose something or someone.”-Mokokoma Mokhonoana

99) ”Everything changes. There is nothing to stick to. That is the Buddha’s most important teaching.”-Shunryu Suzuki

100) ”The greatest spiritual challenge is an attachment to material things. Even the most dedicated spiritual practice is meaningless when we are controlled by what we own.”-Anthon St. Maarten

101) ”They wish they could stay longer but don’t know how to say this directly. Acknowledging their attachment makes them feel too vulnerable.”- Lori Gottlieb

102) ”Being attached to another person is what makes us human. So, if you say that attachment is bad, you are saying that life is bad.”- Abhijit Naskar

103) ”I couldn’t keep you but I never left you either.”- Niharika Sah

104) ”The more attached you are to something, the more your vision is obscured and narrowed, sometimes to the point where you are convinced that there is only one way to proceed.”- Miguel Ruiz Jr.

105) ”The wise do not consider the chains and shackles of jail to be the toughest restraints. The chains of attachment are the strongest of the ties that bind.”-Thich Nhat Hanh

106) ”Nothing is so important you can’t be happy without it.”- Marty Rubin

107) ”When you’re attached to something, whether through love or hate, you give it an importance it doesn’t have.”

108) ”Detach yourself from external circumstances to reconnect with spirit, with love, with peace.”- Akiroq Brost

109) ”If you want to be someone different, you must first let go of your attachment to the memory of who you thought you were.”- Akiroq Brost

110) ”Be careful to not hold on to what you love so tightly that you suffocate your own enjoyment.”

111) ”Everything you think you know or feel is based on an attachment to the past.”

112) ”If you can’t achieve attachment while being authentic then you are standing in the wrong place.”- R.A. Delmonico

113) ”We humans are always seeking the warmest attachments we can imagine.”- Bonnie Badenoch

114) ”A person is a freedom. A person is beautiful because of freedom. The bird is beautiful on the wing in the sky—you encage it and it is no longer the same bird, remember.”- Osho

115) ”Attachment is not the cause of our suffering, our selfishness is. Once you find freedom in giving, attachment will become your strength and not weakness.”- Abhijit Naskar

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