Here are Amazing and Mindblowing 125 Gaur Gopal Das Quotes that will Inspire many life.
01) ”Forgiveness is a complex concept. We must understand it thoroughly to be able to internalize it.” -GAUR GOPAL DAS
02) ”Forgiveness is a complex concept. We must understand it thoroughly to be able to internalize it.” -GAUR GOPAL DAS
03) ”You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” -GAUR GOPAL DAS
04) ”Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the gold.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
05 ”To accept someone when everything is going right is easy. But when things are falling apart around you and you stick together, that’s the test of a relationship. Love is when we have every reason to break up but we do not.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
06) ”Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
07) ”The paradox of our times is that those who have the most can often be the least satisfied.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
08) ”We must find positivity in the bleakest situations and live by the principle of gratitude.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

09) ”If someone chooses what they love to do, there is no stress in their life. As they say, ‘If you do what you love, you will never have to work a day in your life.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
10) ”Everyone wants to get ahead of each other, and when they cannot, they get angry.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
11) ”At work we tend to compare and compete with others, instead of comparing and competing with ourselves.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
12) ”A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
13) ”Watch your thoughts, they turn into words. Watch your words, they turn into actions. Watch your actions, they turn into habits. Watch your habits, they turn into character. Watch your character, it turns into your destiny.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

14) ”When things are beyond your control and there is nothing you can do,why worry.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
15) ”Experience is not what happens to a man, it is what a man does with what happens to him.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
16) ”Offering gifts and accepting gifts, opening one’s mind and inquiring in confidence, sharing food and receiving food are the six exchanges that develop loving relationships.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
17) ”It is strange that sword and words have the same letters. Even more strange is that they have the same effect if not handled properly.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
18) ”Feeling peaceful, happy and content is not about avoiding challenges in our life, but about how we navigate through these challenges to reach the type of life we want to live.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
19) ”The mind is what we use to perceive the world. We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
20) ”Stop and reflect on your life regularly. Pressing the pause button to practise gratitude is the way to make it a constant in your life.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
21) ”A man or a woman is known by the company they keep.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
22) ”Some things in life are beyond our control. When we are in that situation, we feel overwhelmed as we try everything in our power to control it. But that is useless.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

23) ”One’s ability to appreciate beauty is related to one’s ability to make moral judgements.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
24) ”Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
25) ”Meditation is like a plane: It first takes you high, then far away and then further away imperceptibly.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
26) ”People with a closed mindset want to grow by beating others in their field. Open-minded people, on the other hand, grow by developing themselves.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
27) ”Our relationships are stronger when they contain a spiritual component.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
28) ”We should deal with each other sensitively; our attitude towards life affects how we act in our relationships.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
29) ”We understand that living for ourselves has the potential to satisfy the mind and senses, but not the deep core of our hearts.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
30) ”To find your purpose in life, you must go on a journey of self-discovery.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

31) ”Gratitude is not a feeling; it is a state of mind that can be developed, and it allows us to tap into a reservoir of unlimited positive energy.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
32) ”Life is a difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
33) ”The first step in selflessness is to practise it with our family.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
34) ”Physical violence is inflicted with weapons, but emotional violence is inflicted with words; words can leave invisible scars that can take years, or even lifetimes, to heal.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
35) ”The need for instant gratification can wreak havoc on our sleep cycle and quality.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
36) ”Relationships are tested during difficult times. To accept someone when everything is going right is easy. But when things are falling apart around you and you stick together, that’s the test of a relationship.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
37) ”There are many ways to perceive others. We should start choosing the one which magnifies the positive and avoids the negative.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

38) ”Always seeing the best in people and choosing to avoid their faults.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
39) ”We all have three things in common: we are all stuck, we all have a journey to complete, and we all have a destination.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
40) ”Apologizing is not an admission of guilt, it just means we are sorry for what the person is going through and value the person more than being right ourselves.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
41) ”To become satisfied, we don’t have to increase the things we have; we need to increase the focus on the things we do have.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
42) ”We must treat ourselves with the same level of compassion. Self-forgiveness is foundational in moving on and rising above those negative feelings. We cannot forgive ourselves if we are wallowing in guilt.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
43) ”Our Silent presence can be more powerful than a million empty words.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

44) ”Spirituality helps develop good character. It is character that shines bright when words fail to do so.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
45) ”Being humble means we do not think less of ourselves but think of ourselves less.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
46) ”Behind the smiles, everyone is going through personal struggles we know nothing about.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

47) ”Having a friend to listen to your problems and discuss them with you is the beginning of finding a solution.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
48) ”The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
49) ”Positive affirmations can help us overcome negative thinking patterns and have the power to rewire our mind to help us change our outlook.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
50) ”The eyes are the window to the soul.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

51) ”Happiness is not just about having more, but also about focusing more on what we do have.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
52) ”This mindset is the key to crafting joy; the opposite of that is comparison, which is the thief of joy.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
53) ”The sands of time slow for no man. Things change for better and for worse, but what we choose to perceive is up to us.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
54) ”It takes years of working late nights to create an overnight success.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

55) ”If you have the right attitude, achievements will be a byproduct.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
56) ”If they still keep throwing stones at your plane, fly higher so the stones don’t reach you.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
57) ”Nobody should tell us what to do, but good advice greatly helps us in our growth.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
58) ”If we have the ambition and the capacity to achieve more, we must fulfil our potential, not suppress it by force.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

59) ”When we are thankful for what we have, we become poised to receive more.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
60) ”It’s better to constantly work hard on self-improvement to achieve excellence.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
61) ”Your success is not determined by your ability to do what you love, but by your ability to love what you do.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
62) ”You can only compete with yourself if you have a clear idea of your potential, your capacities and certainly your limitations.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

63) ”The true measure of success is not the amount of wealth or possessions you acquire, but the impact you make on the world.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
64) ”Whenever there is a ’setback’ just ‘sit back and try to see the silver lining around the cloud.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
65) ” People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
66) ”In life, sometimes we just need someone who will be there for us. Someone who will listen. Someone who will understand.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
67) ”Every individual has a special sense of worth. All we need is someone who can see that worth in us, and make us see that worth in ourselves as well.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

68) ”If you truly want to know how rich you are, drop a tear and see how many hands come to wipe that tear.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
69) ”Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one that finds the gold.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
70) ”Learning the art of appreciation is vital for building healthy relationships.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
71) ”Appreciation is one of the greatest investments in a relationship. Don’t hold back.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
72) ”We tend to take everyone at face value, equating what they have on the outside to how they feel on the inside.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
73) ”Listening to understand is more important than listening to reply.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
74) ”Familiarity breeds contempt. When we are overly familiar with people, we forget how important they are to us and the correct way to behave with them.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
75) ”Learning the art of appreciation is vital for building healthy relationships.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
76) ”A moment of patience in a moment of anger can save us a thousand moments of regret in the future.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

77) ”The bottom line of any relationship is that the hearts should resonate with each other.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
78) ”Don’t let a breakup in any relationship lead to a break down in life. There is always a reason why some people don’t make it to your future. They are just part of your history.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
79) ”Love is when we have every reason to break up but we do not.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
80) ”What we love to do and what pays the bills can be the same if we really work on ourselves.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
81) ” Happiness is a journey, not a destination.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

82) ”Love is not a noun; it is a verb. It is not so much about the beloved pleasing us but about us pleasing them.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
83) ” We always have a choice: to listen to our lower self and indulge or to listen to our higher self and improve.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
84) ”Be like an ice-cream and a candle: Enjoy your life before it melts and give light to others before it melts.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
85) ”The saddest thing is that matter, matters the most to us. if spirit mattered as much to us we would be happy forever!.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
86) ”Spiritual people don’t intentionally harm others, nor do they cheat others in business. At the same time, they don’t behave timidly. Humility doesn’t mean you’re a pushover, it means you understand how to behave properly in all scenarios.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
87) ”One of the effects of enlightened people is – they make others feel inspired in their company.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
88) ”It is character that shines bright when words fail to do so. Spirituality helps develop good character.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

89) ”Adding a spiritual element to our seva (service) can make it more fulfilling.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
90) ”Spirituality does not kill our ambition; it redirects it towards the service of others.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
91) ”If you practise spirituality, you are satisfied with achieving the bare minimum. You know that things don’t bring happiness.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
92) ”We are not human beings having spiritual experiences; we are spiritual beings having human experiences.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
93) ”Live your life in such a way that those who know you but don’t know God, will come to know God because they know you.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
94) ”Stop and reflect on your life regularly. Pressing the pause button to practise gratitude is the way to make it a constant in your life.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
95) ”The greatest form of intelligence is kindness.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
96) ”When our eyes are very focused on what we want to do, there will be a couple of inconveniences, couple of things that we have to take in our stride and move on.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS

97) ”As a monk, I have to be cautious of overindulgence; it is essential to stay regulated in our habits.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
98) ” Your experience of life is proportional to your emotional state.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
99) ” Fight the strong urge to judge someone based on an initial interaction with them. Everyone has a fascinating story that we know nothing about.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
100) ”We should use things for the purpose they have been designed for but should treat them with the utmost dignity, value and respect.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
101) ”When it comes to working hard with the aim of serving others, you shouldn’t be satisfied. Things can be used to uplift humanity.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
102) ”To move on and accept change is a sign of wisdom and maturity.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
103) ”Honest people are those, who change their ideas to fit the truth. Dishonest people are those, who change the truth to fit their ideas.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
104) ”From our childhood, we have only learned to take. For all our life we just keep on holding and sticking to our expectations.”
105) ”Expectations are the mother of all frustrations. The more expectations you have, the more frustrations you will have. The less expectations you have, the less frustrations you will have.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
106) ”Often, people can display selflessness outside their home, but when they come back, they become selfish. This is because they have a lot of expectations from their family members.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
107) ”Making choices in life is like buying something at a shopping mall. The sales assistant may show us all the products available, telling us the pros and cons of each of them, but we must make the choice in the end.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
108) ”Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
109) ”It’s not that we have solution to all problems. Therefore, I say do not look at someone who will solve all your problems. Look for someone who won’t let you face them alone.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
110) ”Every lock comes with a key and every problem with a solution. Some of your problems can actually be solved, and some of your problems literally cannot be solved, but can be solved by becoming stronger to face them.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
111) ”We should deal with our problems in our life, but we shouldn’t be consumed by them.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
112) ”Every moment lived well is the secret to overall well-being and happiness.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
113) ”Happiness seems like a butterfly. Oh! So close, but eluding us when we try to grab it.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
114) ” We must find positivity in the bleakest situations and live by the principle of gratitude.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
115) ”If you want a relationship that looks and feels like the most amazing thing on earth, you need to treat it like it is the most amazing thing on earth.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
116) ”Live, love, laugh, lead and leave. That’s life.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
117) ”No challenges, no success. Know challenges, know success.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
118) ”It is important to fix our inner world to be effective in our outer world.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
119) ”Work for a cause, not for applause. Live your life to express, not to impress.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
120) ”Be ready to give up anything that no longer serves your purpose, that no longer helps you grow.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
121) ”Life is too short to fight, hold grudges, and go on an ego trip. Love with your heart and live without regrets”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
122) ”Always remember that your most important project is you. You won’t be able to work on anything or anyone unless you have worked on yourself.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
123) ”Be grateful to those who helped you in difficult times. Be watchful to those who left you in difficult times and be extremely mindful of those who put you in difficult times. ”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
124) ”If you find yourself stuck in the wrong story, leave and write a new one. And for some reason, if you just can not leave, find the strength to rise above all the stupid drama. ”-GAUR GOPAL DAS
125) ”Open your minds, face those things that are holding you back. Cross the limiting boundaries of your what if’s. Believe me, an amazing life waits ahead on the other side of what if’s.”-GAUR GOPAL DAS