20+Positive And High Vibration Quotes By Caroline A. Shearer

20+Positive And High Vibration Quotes By Caroline A. Shearer

Explore One Of The Most Powerful  Positive And High Vibration Quotes By Caroline A. Shearer

01)  ”Everything is energy. We all have a frequency.Like attracts like.”

02)  ”When we operate at a higher vibration, we have positive thoughts, and we attract positive people and activities. We also attract synchronicities, which allow us to go with the flow of the universe and guide us on our highest and greatest path. We are able to enjoy clearer intuition, peace, and happiness. Higher vibration lives still challenge us to grow, but our growth comes more smoothly and with greater ease.   Higher vibration = more positive.”

03)  ”A positive thought and a negative thought cannot share the same space, and, if you choose, you may replace one with the other.”

04)  ”Some people will evolve with us, and some won’t. If we want to reach higher, we have to allow this growth to occur – for the best for all parties.”

05)  ”Moving faster does not raise your vibration; being slower does. When we are in a centered, peaceful, “available” state, the vibration of all we are transforms to high energy.”

06)  ”The highest vibrations – and our goal – are love and gratitude. Pure, absolute love and gratitude for everyone, ourselves, and everything.”

07)  ”We can begin to achieve higher frequencies by recognizing the pattern of “like attracts like.” More than just a saying, this is an energetic law. Frequencies are attracted to similar frequencies. We resonate at a higher frequency when we raise our vibration, and, therefore, attract higher-level experiences.”

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08)   ”Everything is energy. The chair you’re sitting on, the building you’re in, the dog barking down the street, the flowers growing outside the window, and the thoughts going through your head. All of it is energy.”

09)  ”Listening to your ego brings your vibration down; listening to your higher self brings your vibration up.”

10)  ”We are called to love – it is our home.”

11)   ”Step out of your comfort zone, and then applaud yourself for your bravery.”

12)  ”The universe will never ‘take away’ something that is for our highest and greatest good so when we ‘lose’ something, or our lives shift, it is always for our benefit. It’s unwrapping a surprise present from the universe.”

13)  ”It’s only when we are authentic to who we are that we are going to be truly happy. It’s so important that we follow what our own heart is telling us, what our own intuition is telling us, what our passion is, where our heart wants to go. When we can truly explore who we are, that’s when the world just explodes with possibilities.”

14)  ”When we talk about our problems, we create more of them. When we talk about solutions and positive responses, we create more solutions and positive responses.”

15)  ”Every ‘problem’ we face is only a problem because of the way our mind (ego) perceives it. It is, in fact, not a problem at all but rather a lesson we are providing to ourselves in order to evolve.”

16)  ”Listening to your ego brings your vibration down; listening to your higher self brings your vibration up.”

17)  ”Decide and communicate what you are for, what you support – not what you are against.”

18)  ”There is no need to worry about whether you are capable of manifesting what you want. The truth is, the universe already is providing you exactly what you have asked.”

19)  ”I acknowledge that abundance is not something outside of myself that I am bringing in, but rather something within myself that I am allowing out.”

20)  ”See what happens when thoughts such as love, hate, and peace are projected onto bottles of water. We literally can see the effect of thought vibration on water molecules.”

21)  ”The highest vibrations – and our goal – are love and gratitude. Pure, absolute love and gratitude for everyone, ourselves, and everything.”

22)  ”Some people will evolve with us, and some won’t. If we want to reach higher, we have to allow this growth to occur – for the best for all parties.”

23)  ”Raise Your Financial Vibration” Principle: Money is a tool that helps you live your intended life.”

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