60+Outstanding and Powerful Olawale Daniel Quotes

60+Oustandind and Powerful Olawale Daniel Quotes

Explore One of The Most Outstanding and Powerful Olawale Daniel Quotes

01)  ”You ain’t born for this shit, get your ass together and make things happen for you.”

02)  ”If you fail to build YOU, the company you used YOU to sell its products or services will definitely drop you when your value has diminished, and nothing will remain of you, except you’ve built more values into you!”

03)  ”Everything you want in life is at the other side of fear of feeling you need something big to get started, but that is a lie.”

04)  ”The best thing that is of utmost importance you can do for yourself before moving to a new country is to learn the language and culture of the people. It reduces the burdens on your shoulder.”

05)  ”Don’t seek to be relevant, just be CONSISTENT.”

06)  ”The elevator can take you up to greater heights ONLY IF you take positive action by pressing the button. Greatness in life is all about the right choices you make.”

07)  ”You are what you eat. If you want to live long, take good care of that.”

08)  ”To curb the ongoing racism against the black community, we all need to imagine “White Lives Matter” becoming a global trend where the blacks (mostly of African history) are ripping off the whites for no good reasons but racism. We are humans, we should treat ourselves like one.”

09)  ”Networking marketing has finally gone mainstream. It is time for you to legitimately earn from the knowledge economy.”

10)  ”It is either you believe in yourself or believe what other people think, or makes you think, of yourself. Sounds familiar, but quite different from each other.”

11)  ”The next generation poverty will be caused by ignorance and fear of today’s opportunities, not lack of money or bad government policies. Think deeply.”

12)  ”Don’t think you will always be safe from trials and errors, it will come. Instead, treat your customers well enough that they’ll stand behind you in your times of troubles.”

13)  ”If the most powerful man in the world can be banned on social media, one thing that is certain is that the least powerful person in the world cannot be banned from buying Bitcoin. It is for everyone!”

14)  ”You are not worthy of living if you cannot solve a solve a problem in this world.”

15)  ”The death of any man will not remove God’s throne.”

16)  ”Your definition of yourself will help you position yourself. Define what you want, money might not flow in immediately. Know your worth and stand your ground.”

17)  ”In your weakness be strong. In your moment of struggles be optimistic. In your moment of distractions be focused. In your moment of discouragement be encouraged.”

18)  ”In this era, be careful of your conversations because you are just 3 seconds away from a screenshot.”

19)  ”Learn to allow your team leaders to shine while you reign. All that matters in the end is the result, nobody cares about attention without financial benefits.”

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20)  ”Feeding the mind with possibility and avoiding negativity is crucial for mind growth.”

21)  ”If you are to fail in life, just fail forward.”

22)  ”No matter how much or little a company pays. Your name matters most than their name. Build your Brand.”

23)  ”Don’t let social media make you forget you are blessed offline.”

24)  ”If people fail to see your value, it is not their fault. Just that you’ve failed to appreciate and respect yourself. You are letting yourself down.”

25)  ”It doesn’t cost much to show love, but it cost a fortune not to. Lack of love is the root cause of pandemonium and unrest in this world.”

26)  ”Digital assets will be much bigger and faster you than analog assets and decentralized products will be much bigger than centralized products.”

27)  ”You want society to accept you but you failed to accept yourself.”

28)  ”There is a huge difference between CONNECTION and ATTACHMENT. One gives you the power to grow, the other sucks the life out of you.”

29)  ”If you run a business, please don’t sell to family members or friends on credit. Friends and family members are number on the list of people that can ruin your business. Set very clear boundaries. Do you want to be nice and poor, or do you want to be rich and wicked?”

30)  ”Your comfort zone is your weak zone. Get up and move!”

31)  ”Privacy is a basic human right, not a privilege.”

32)  ”Don’t envy my smile because it took me a lot of tears to get it. So when you see the glory, ask for the story.”

33)  ”If you are aiming at the top, consistency is the name of the game.”

34)  ”Don’t be so green to think the world revolves around you unless you are the sun. It doesn’t.”

35)  ”Build yourself first before you sell anything; for anybody, or any company else. Your brand matters most than any other companies, or personalities out there.”

36)  ”In trading, you can’t stop loss from happening but you can avoid big loss by using stop loss in your trades.”

37)  ”Many people sees network marketing opportunity as a trap but they fail to realize that TRAP simply means; TAKE RISK AND PROSPER!”

38)  ”The more you dig deeper into crypto the more you will discover you know little about so many things in life. Keep learning and never stop!”

39)  ”What you are afraid of dealing with now will still deal with you.”

40)  ”Being creative is all about activating your craziness for the good of others. It is all about thinking outside the box.”

41)  ”In your weakness be strong .”

42)  ”It is better to be a king in the jungle and be celebrated than to be an unknown champion where you’d not be afforded the kind of respect you deserve.”

43)  ”To grow capacity in your career, you need to move from the place of position to a place of skill acquisition.”

44)  ”Your ability to commit the EXTRA brings out the extraordinary in you. The world will only pay for that little commitment, even, than the rest of your abilities.”

45)  ”You may not understand my words, but you will know my feelings when it does matters.”

46)  ”Network marketing is not for everyone because, NOT EVERYONE has goals. Stop trying to make everyone around you goal-oriented.”

47)  ”Don’t drag too much attention with your downlines if you want to get the best of them.”

48)  ”It is not who you are NOW, it is what GOD says you are that matter.”

49)  ”Your world needs you right now; don’t take your life. You matter, you are enough, and you are more.”

50)  ”Men without honor cannot build an honorable country. It is height of hypocrisy to expect a country of equity from such men.”

51)  ”You ain’t born for this shit, get your ass together and make things happen for you.”

52)  ”You are what you eat. If you want to live long, take good care of that.”

53)  ”It is either you believe in yourself or believe what other people think, or makes you think, of yourself. Sounds familiar, but quite different from each other.”

54)  ”The next generation poverty will be caused by ignorance and fear of today’s opportunities, not lack of money or bad government policies. Think deeply.”

55)  ”You are not worthy of living if you cannot solve a solve a problem in this world.”

56)  ”Your definition of yourself will help you position yourself. Define what you want, money might not flow in immediately. Know your worth and stand your ground.”

57)  ”In your weakness be strong. In your moment of struggles be optimistic. In your moment of distractions be focused. In your moment of discouragement be encouraged.”

58)  ”If knowledge is power, learning is your super power. Take advantage of that today.”

59)  ”Beauty will attract a man, but more than it will help you to keep him.”

60)  ”Consistency must become your lifestyle if you want to become successful.”

61)  ”If you want to understand life, you must think. Yes, think!”

62)  ”Happiness is a choice, so is sadness. Choose wisely.”

63)  ”Don’t drag too much attention with your downlines if you want to get the best of them.”

64)  ”You may not understand my words, but you will know my feelings when it does matters.”

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