Explore One of the Most Positive And Life Changing Neville Goddard Quotes-About Manifesting your Desires, Detachments, Success etc
01) ”When a man learns the art of thinking from the end, that man is master of his fate. For he defines his end, he formulates an aim in life, and then feels himself right into the situation of that end.”
02) ”Live your life in a sublime spirit of confidence and determination.”
03) ”The great secret of success is to focus the attention on the feeling of the wish fulfilled without permitting any distraction.”
04) ”The undisciplined man’s attention is the servant of his vision rather than its master. It is captured by the pressing rather than the important.”
05) ”Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, and then you believe it to be true. Every dream could be realised by those self-disciplined enough to believe it. People are what you choose to make them; a man is according to the manner in which you look at him.”
06) ”The best denial is total indifference. Things wither and die through indifference. They are kept alive through attention. You do not deny a thing by saying it does not exist. Rather you put feeling into it by recognizing it, and what you recognize as true, is true to you, be it good, bad or indifferent.”
07) ”Self-surrender is essential and by that is meant the confession of personal impotence.”
08) ”Emotional disturbances, especially suppressed emotions, are the causes of all disease. ”
09) ”You imagined yourself into the state you are now occupying, and you can imagine yourself into any state you desire to express.”
10) ”When a man believes in the value of the advice given him and applies it, he establishes within himself the reality of success.”
11) ”Therefore, when you know what you want, you must deliberately focus your attention on the feeling of your wish fulfilled until that feeling fills the mind and crowds all other ideas out of consciousness.”
12) ”There is no stopping the man who can think from the end. Nothing can stop him. He creates the means and grows his way out of limitation into ever greater and greater mansions of the Lord.”
13) ”Prayer succeeds by avoiding conflict. Prayer is, above all things, easy. Its greatest enemy is effort.”
14) ”When a man learns the art of thinking from the end, that man is master of his fate. For he defines his end, he formulates an aim in life, and then feels himself right into the situation of that end.”
15) ”All meditation ends at last with the thinker, and he finds he is what he, himself, has conceived.”
16) ”The essential feeling of naturalness can be achieved by persistently filling your consciousness with imagination — imagining yourself being what you want to be or having what you desire.”
17) ”The great secret of success is to focus the attention on the feeling of the wish fulfilled without permitting any distraction.”
18) ”The undisciplined man’s attention is the servant of his vision rather than its master. It is captured by the pressing rather than the important.”
19) ”Determined imagination, thinking from the end, is the beginning of all miracles.”
20) ”Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, and then you believe it to be true. Every dream could be realised by those self-disciplined enough to believe it. ”
21) ”What you truly and literally must feel is that with your imagination, all things are possible.”
22) ”Our deepest feelings are precisely those we are least able to express, and even in the act of adoration, silence is our highest praise.”
23) ”The future must become the present in the imagination of the one who would wisely and consciously create circumstances. We must translate vision into Being, thinking of into thinking from. Imagination must center itself in some state and view the world from that state.”
24) ”When you know what you want, assume you have it. Believe your assumption is true. Look at your world mentally and see your fulfilled desire. Do this and you are calling forth a response to your thoughts, and in the not distant future you will find yourself physically occupying the state imagined.”
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25) ”You know a thing mentally by looking at it from the outside, by comparing it with other things, by analyzing it and defining it; whereas you can know a thing spiritually only by becoming it. You must be the thing itself and not merely talk about it or look at it.”
26) ”Concentrate your attention entirely upon the thing desired.”
27) ”By persisting in the assumption that you already are the person you want to be, you rise above all doubt, fear and belief in the power of outside conditions or circumstances; and your world inevitably conforms to your assumption.”
28) ”Each assumption has its corresponding world. If you are truly observant, you will notice the power of your assumptions to change circumstances which appear wholly immutable.”
29) ”Be careful of your moods and feelings, for there is an unbroken connection between your feelings and your visible world.”
30) ”When you pray believe that you have received, and you shall receive.”
31) ”Prayer modifies or completely changes our subconscious assumptions, and a change of assumption is a change of expression.”
32) ”The world was constructed in the mind’s eye, out of things unseen by the mortal eye, and made alive by faith.”
33) ”Faith does not question — Faith knows.”
34) ”Everything depends upon our attitude towards ourselves. That which we will not affirm as true of ourselves cannot develop in our life.”
35) ”Manner, a change of circumstance happens as a result of a change in your state of consciousness.”
36) ”To impress the subconscious with the desirable state, you must assume the feeling that would be yours had you already realized your wish.”
37) ”It is impossible to do anything. You must be in order to do.”
38) ”Nothing comes from without; all things come from within – from the subconscious.”
39) ”The spiritual man speaks to the natural man through the language of desire.”
40) ”Live your life in a sublime spirit of confidence and determination; disregard appearances, conditions, in fact all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire. Rest in the assumption that you are already what you want to be.”
41) ”If you want to keep your possessions, you must hold onto them in your imagination and not build barns to house them.”
42) ”Forgiveness is, in fact, experiencing in imagination the revised version of the day, experiencing in imagination what you wish you had experienced in the flesh.”
43) ”To passively surrender to the evidence of the senses underestimates the capacities of the Inner Self.”
44) ”The future becomes the present when you imagine that you already are what you will be when your assumption is fulfilled.”
45) ”The world is a mirror wherein everyone sees himself reflected. The objective world reflects the beliefs of the subjective mind.”
46) ”All things express their nature. As you wear a feeling it becomes your nature. It might take a moment or a year—it is entirely dependent upon the degree of conviction. As doubts vanish and you can feel “I AM this,” you begin to develop the fruit or the nature of the thing you are feeling yourself to be.”
47) ”Forgiveness is a matter of deliberately withdrawing attention from the unrevised day and giving it full strength, and joyously, to the revised day.”
48) ”Desire is the mainspring of all action.”
49) ”That which you seek is already housed within you.”
50) ”A change of impression results in a change of expression.”
51) ”For to desire is to confess that you do not now possess what you desire, and because all things are yours, you rob yourself by living in the state of desire.”
52) ”Revision is of greatest importance when the motive is to change oneself, when there is a sincere desire to be something different, when the longing is to awaken the ideal active spirit of forgiveness.”
53) ”Consequently, what appears to you as circumstances, conditions and even material objects is really only the product of your own consciousness.”
54) ”What you sincerely believe as true of another you awaken within him.”
55) ”once you know that consciousness is the only reality and is the sole creator of your particular world and have burnt this truth into your whole being, then you know that success or failure is entirely in your own hands.”
56) ”There is no stopping the man who can think from the end. Nothing can stop him. He creates the means and grows his way out of limitation.”
57) ”We must translate vision into Being, thinking of into thinking from.”
58) ”At this moment you are aware of being, but you are also aware of being someone. This someone is the veil that hides the being you really are. You are first conscious of being, then you are conscious of being man.”
59) ”Man is a psychological being, a thinker. It is not what he feeds upon physically, but what he feeds upon mentally that he becomes.”
60) ”The future dream must become a present fact in the mind of him who seeks to realize it.”
61) ”It is a marvelous thing to find that you can imagine yourself into the state of your fulfilled desire and escape from the jails which ignorance built.”
62) ”The Real Man is a Magnificent Imagination. It is this self that must be awakened.”
63) ”Having achieved control of the movements of your attention, and having discovered the mystery hid from the ages, that Christ in you is your imagination, you will assert the supremacy of imagination and put all things in subjection to it.”
64) ”No idea presented to the mind can realise itself unless the mind accepts it. It depends on the acceptance, the state with which we are identified, how things present themselves.”
65) ”This presence, your unconditioned awareness, comprehends neither beginning nor ending; limitations exist only in the manifestation. ”
66) ”You do not need to work out anything. The works are finished. The principle by which all things are made and without which there is not anything made that is made is eternal.”
67) ”Because creation is finished, what you desire already exists. It is excluded from view because you can see only the contents of your own consciousness. It is the function of an assumption to call back the excluded view and restore full vision.”
68) ”Give and you shall receive. Beliefs invariably awaken what they affirm. The world is a mirror wherein everyone sees himself reflected. The objective world reflects the beliefs of the subjective mind.”
69) ”Frequent occupancy of the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the secret of success.”
70) ”Because creation is finished, what you desire already exists. It is excluded from view because you can see only the contents of your own consciousness. ”
71) ”To attempt to change the world before we change our concept of ourselves is to struggle against the nature of things.”
72) ”Let us go into the Silence.”
73) ”Indifference is the knife that severs. Feeling is the tie that binds.”
74) ”Outer reforms are useless if the inner state is not changed. Success is gained not by imitating the outer actions of the successful but by right inner actions and inner talking.”
75) ”Whether the belief pertains to self or another does not matter, for the believer is defined by the sum total of his beliefs or subconscious assumptions.”
76) ”Your attention is directed from within when you deliberately choose what you will be preoccupied with mentally.”
77) ”To pray means to give thanks for already having what you desire. Only persistency in the assumption of the wish fulfilled can cause those subtle changes in your mind which result in the desired change in your life.”
78) ”Everything, that can be seen, touched, explained, argued over, is to the imaginative man nothing more than a means, for he functions, by reason of his controlled imagination, in the deep of himself where every idea exists in itself and not in relation to something else. ”
79) ”It is when your feeling of reverence is most intense that you are closest to God, and when you are closest to God your life is richest.”
80) ”Your assumption, to be effective, cannot be a single isolated act; it must be a maintained attitude of the wish fulfilled.”
81) ”Your imagination is able to do all that you ask in proportion to the degree of your attention. All progress, all fulfillment of desire depend upon the control and concentration of your attention. ”
82) ”If you will but enter a state in your imagination, and assume its truth, the outer world will respond to your assumption, for it is your shadow, forever bearing witness to your inner imaginal activity.”
83) ”On reflection, it happens so naturally you begin to feel or to tell yourself, ‘Well, it would have happened anyway,’ and you quickly recover from this wonderful experience of yours.”
84) ”Thoughts, no matter what they are, aren’t the problem – our sometimes dysfunctional relationship with them is.”
85) ”One of the most difficult things for man to give up is his superstitions, his prejudice. He holds on to these as though they were the treasure of treasures.”
86) ”Magnetism is not generated; it is displayed.”
87) ”If you will assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact.”
88) ”A change of feeling is a change of destiny.”
89) ”One of the most difficult things for man to give up is his superstitions, his prejudice. He holds on to these as though they were the treasure of treasures.”
90) ”Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.”
91) ”Fools Exploit The World; The Wise Transfigure It.”
92) ”Right now, imagine something lovely for another. They need never know who was the cause of their fortune—but you will.”
93) ”The undisciplined mind finds it difficult to assume a state which is denied by the senses.”
94) ”Bold assertion by you, while you are in a partly subjective state, awakens what you affirm. Self-confidence on your part and the thorough belief in the truth of your mental assertion are all that is needed to produce results.”
95) ”The day you fully realise the power of assumption, you discover that it works in complete conformity with this principle. It works by means of attention, minus effort. Thus, with least action, through an assumption, you hurry without haste and reach your goal without effort.”
96) ”Imagination is the very gateway of reality.”
97) ”What a comfort it is to know that all I experience is the result of my own standard of beliefs; that I am the center of my own web of circumstances and that as I change, so must my outer world!”
98) ”You must stop spending your thoughts, time, and money. Everything in life must be an investment’. To spend is to waste, to squander, to layout without return. To invest is to lay out for a purpose from which a profit is expected.”
99) ”To think is to speak low, to speak is to think aloud.”
100) ”Imagine yourself to be the ideal you dream of and desire. Remain attentive to this imagined state and as fast as you completely feel that you are already this ideal it will manifest itself as reality in your world.”
101) ”Attention is forceful in proportion to the narrowness of its focus, that is, when it is obsessed with a single idea or sensation.”
102) ”It is not a strong will that sends the subjective word on its mission so much as it is clear thinking and feeling the truth of the the state affirmed. When belief and will are in conflict, belief invariably wins”
103) ”Everything can be resolved, even though while learning, horrible mistakes are made. Don’t condemn yourself for anything you have ever done, are doing, or may do, as you learn to play the instrument who is God himself and your own wonderful human imagination, for there is no other creative power.”
104) ”Once a thought is accepted and charged with feeling, the creative power within proceeds to externalize it.”
105) ”Be still and know that you are that which you desire to be, and you will never have to search for it.”
106) ”No man can lift you to the level you desire. The power to ascend is within yourself; it is your consciousness.”
107) ”But one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal. ”
108) ”Our subconscious assumptions continually externalise themselves that others may see us as we subconsciously see ourselves, and tell us by their actions what we have subconsciously assumed ourselves to be.”
109) ”The subconscious is that in which everything is known, in which everything is possible, to which everything goes, from which everything comes, which belongs to all, to which all have access.”
110) ”Listen only to the things that bring joy when you hear them. Do not give a willing ear to that which is unlovely, which when you heard it you wish you had not. That is listening and seeing things. Without oil in your lamp, or joy in your mind.”
111) ”The cornerstone on which all things are based is man’s concept of himself.”
112) ”Nothing is more continuously wonderful than the things that happen every day to the man with imagination sufficiently awake to realize their wonder.”
113) ”He knows as a wise judge that every man perfectly expresses that which he is, as man, conscious of being. He knows that upon the changeless foundation of consciousness all manifestation rests, that changes of expression can be brought about only through changes of consciousness.”
114) ”The gift that is not accepted returns to the giver.”
115) ”Imagination is seeing with the eye of God.”
116) ”All is yours. Do not go seeking for that which you are. Appropriate it, claim it, assume it. Everything depends upon your concept of yourself. That which you do not claim as true of yourself, cannot be realized by you. The promise is.”
117) ”Stand still in the psychological state defined as your objective until you feel the thrill of Victory. Then, with confidence born of the knowledge of this law, watch the physical realisation of your objective.”
118) ”When you know that consciousness is the one and only reality – conceiving itself to be something good, bad or indifferent and becoming that which it conceived itself to be – you are free from the tyranny of second causes. Free from the belief that there are causes outside of your own mind that can affect your life.”
119) ”assumptions if sustained invariably awaken what they affirm.”
120) ”To what degree are you lost in your dream of success? Your world is your dream pushed out.”
121) ”Determined imagination alone is the means of your progress, of the fulfilling of your dreams. It is the beginning and end of all creating.”
122) ”Every word that goeth forth from my mouth shall not return unto me void.”
123) ”When ye pray believe that ye have received and it shall be so. All things are possible to him who believes. Make the impossible possible through your belief; and the impossible (to others) will embody itself in your world.”
124) ”The power conceiving itself to be man is greater than its conception. All conceptions are limitations of the conceiver.”
125) ”You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it.”
126) ”If you now had what you desire that’s probably how you’d feel: relaxed, and happily fulfilled. So, if you like, skip all the rational steps to get to that point of fulfillment, and just relax.”
127) ”The Truth that sets you free is that you can experience in imagination what you desire to experience in reality, and by maintaining this experience in imagination, your desire will become an actuality.”
128) ”He acts as he does, and has the experiences that he does, because his concept of himself is what it is, and for no other reason.”
129) ”Whatever state has your attention holds your life. Therefore, to become attentive to a former state is to return to that condition. “Remember not the former things, neither consider the things of old.”
130) ”Therefore when you claim yourself to be anything, you have given that claim or quality to God. And your awareness of being, which is no respecter of persons, will return to you pressed down, shaken together, and running over with that quality or attribute which you claim for yourself.”
131) ”It is the state from which we think that determines the objective world in which we live.”
132) ”You can take anyone and represent him to yourself as the man (or woman) you would like him to be and, if you do not waver in that representation, he will conform to it.”
133) ”You simply plant and let the harvest take care of itself.”
134) ”All you can possibly need or desire is already yours.”
135) ”It is these psychological forward motions that produce your physical forward motions in time. Precognition permeates all the scriptures of the world.”
136) ”To realise your desire, an action must start in your imagination, apart from the evidence of the senses, involving movement of self and implying fulfillment of your desire. Whenever it is the action which the outer self takes to appease desire, that desire will be realised.”
137) ”When the imagination is not controlled and the attention not steadied on the feeling of the wish fulfilled, then no amount of prayer or piety or invocation will produce the desired effect.”
138) ” manifestation isn’t really about addition. It’s about subtraction. It’s about letting go of our unnecessary rational thoughts to such a degree that our inherent level of abundance – a deeper part of what we are – is allowed to clearly show itself.”
139) ”When man realises that the conscious state in which he lives is the choice that he has made of a mate, he will be more careful of his moods and feelings. He will not permit himself to react to suggestions of fear, lack or any undesirable impression. ”
140) ”The whole of creation exists in you, and it is your destiny to become increasingly aware of its infinite wonders and to experience ever greater and grander portions of it.”
141) ”You shall become conscious of being or possessing a thing and you shall express or possess that which you are conscious of being.”
142) ”Like literally does attract like. As within, so without.”
143) ”Imagination is the beginning of the growth of all forms, and faith is the substance out of which they are formed. By imagination, that which exists in latency or is asleep within the deep of consciousness is awakened and is given a form.”
144) ”There must be someone in this room who will so completely transform himself in this world that his close immediate circle of friends will not recognize him.”
145) ”Your imagination is you yourself, and the world as your imagination sees it is the real world.”
146) ”Thought and feeling fused into beliefs impress modifications upon it, charge it with a mission, which mission it faithfully executes.”
147) ”Persistent imagination, centered in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, is the secret of all successful operations.”
148) ”Only by identifying ourselves with our aim can we forgive ourselves for having missed it. All else is labour in vain. On this path, to whatever place or state we convey our imagination, to that place or state we will gravitate physically also.”
149) ”Knowing what you want, when you conceive a scene that implies you have it, that objective becomes the pattern for your desire to unfold.”
150) ”Prayer is the art of yielding to the wish and not the forcing of the wish.”
151) ”Desire is a gift of God.”
152) ”If you want to change yourself, become indifferent to things you cannot change – other peoples’ opinions and events clearly outside of your control – and focus inwardly. How you treat other people is no different than how you treat your own thoughts.”
153) ”Your destiny is that which you must inevitably experience. Really it is an infinite number of individual destinies, each of which when attained is the starting place for a new destiny.”
154) ”In short, man’s conception of himself determines that which he sees his world to be.”
155) ”The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well-sustained attention firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished.”
156) ”You must guard the emotions which you allow to enter your consciousness just as you would discriminate in allowing a stranger into your home.”
157) ”No matter what the problem is, no matter where it is, no matter whom it concerns, you have no one to change but yourself, and you have neither opponent nor helper in bringing about the change within yourself.”
158) ”To pray successfully you must have clearly defined objectives. You must know what you want before you can ask for it. ”
159) ”A complete transformation of consciousness rubs out all evidence that anything other than this ever existed in the world.”
160) ”His concept of himself is the cause of all the circumstances of his life. All changes must first come from within himself; and if he does not change on the outside it is because he has not changed within.”
161) ”Your belief in masters is a confession of your slavery. Only slaves have masters. Change your conception of yourself and you will, without the aid of masters or anyone else, automatically transform your world to conform to your changed conception of yourself.”
162) ”The very first act of correction or cure is always ‘revise’. One must start with oneself. It is one’s attitude that must be changed.”
163) ”Assume the spirit, the feeling of the wish fulfilled, and you will have opened the windows to receive the blessing. To assume a state is to get into the spirit of it. Your triumphs will be a surprise only to those who did not know your hidden passage from the state of longing to the assumption of the wish fulfilled.”
164) ”You determine your assumptions in this way: Form a mental image, a picture of the state desired, of the person you want to be. Concentrate your attention upon the feeling that you are already that person.”
165) ”If you are dissatisfied with your present expression in life, the only way to change it is to take your attention away form that which seems so real to you and rise in consciousness to that which you desire to be.”
166) ”Man’s ignorance of the future is the result of his ignorance of his inner talking. His inner talking mirrors his imagination, and his imagination is a government in which the opposition never comes into power.”
167) ”The purpose of practicing detachment is to separate us from our present reactions to life and attach us to our aim in life.”
168) ”The acceptance of the end wills the means. And the wisest reflection could not devise more effective means than those which are willed by the acceptance of the end.”
169) ”person you want to be and assume that you are already that person. If this assumption is persisted in until it becomes your dominant feeling, the attainment of your ideal is inevitable.”
170) ”The Real Man, the Imaginative Man, has invested the outer world with all its properties. The apparent reality of the outer world which is so hard to dissolve is only proof of the absolute reality of the inner world of his own imagination.”
171) ”Your emotional sense of well-being dictates your life.”
172) ”That which you think about with feeling, that which you believe to be true and that which you imagine yourself to be or to have is the cause of everything in your personal world.”
173) ”The habit of withdrawing attention from the region of sensation and concentrating it on the invisible develops our spiritual outlook and enables us to penetrate beyond the world of sense and to see that which is invisible.”
174) ”The circumstances and conditions of life are outpictured inner talking, solidified sound. Inner speech calls events into existence. In every event is the creative sound that is its life and being. All that a man believes and consents to as true reveals itself in his inner speech. It is his word, his life.”
175) ”Sensation precedes manifestation and is the foundation upon which all manifestation rests.”
176) ”The desire to do more, to be more, and to have more than you are presently expressing is the urge for expansion.”
177) ”Bold assertion by you, while you are in a partly subjective state, awakens what you affirm. Self-confidence on your part and the thorough belief in the truth of your mental assertion are all that is needed to produce results.”
178) ”Do not waste one moment in regret, for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to re-infect yourself.”
179) ”THE ASSUMPTION of the wish fulfilled is the ship that carries you over the unknown seas to the fulfillment of your dream.”
180) ”Before us go the results of all that seemingly is behind. Not gone is the last moment—but oncoming.”
181) ”Nothing befalls man that is not the nature of himself. People emerge out of the mass betraying their close affinity to your moods as they are engendered. ”
182) ”The great secret of success is a controlled inner conversation from premises of fulfilled desire. The only price you pay for success is the giving up of your former conversation – which belongs to the Old Man, the unsuccessful man.”
183) ”The subconscious mind is the universal conductor which the operator modifies with his thoughts and feelings. Visible states are either the vibratory effects of subconscious vibrations within you or they are the vibratory causes of corresponding vibrations within you. ”
184) ”Truth depends upon the intensity of the imagination, not upon external facts. Facts are the fruit bearing witness of the use or misuse of the imagination. ”
185) ”Do not selfishly define this interval in days and hours because you are anxious to receive it, but simply remain in the conviction that it is done—time, being purely relative, should be eliminated entirely—and your desire will be fulfilled.”
186) ”You always bear fruit in harmony with what you are.”
187) ”The subconscious does not originate ideas, but accepts as true those which the conscious mind feels to be true and, in a way known only to itself, objectifies the accepted ideas.”
188) ”Not realising that all that he encounters is part of himself, he rebels at the thought that he has chosen the conditions of his life, that they are related by affinity to his own mental activity. Man must firmly come to believe that reality lies within him and not without.”
189) ”In the divine economy nothing is lost.”
190) ”We think from ideas that we consent to as true and we imagine situations that match our beliefs.”
191) ”Often our most elaborate and original thoughts are determined by another.”
192) ”Man must learn to believe in that which he does not, at the moment, see in order to grant himself that which he desires to have.”
193) ”Imagination has full power of objective realization and every stage of man’s progress or regression is made by the exercise of imagination.”
194) ”You can experience your heart’s desire through the use of your imagination. Nothing is impossible to your imagination. Your imagination is unlimited in what it can accomplish. If you can imagine something, you can achieve it.”
195) ”What is mental and subjective to the natural man is concrete and objective to the spiritual man. The habit of seeing only that which our senses permit renders us totally blind to what, otherwise, we could see.”
196) ”Your faith in God is measured by your confidence in yourself.”
197) ”Everything depends on your attitude towards yourself. That which you will not affirm as true of yourself can never be realised by you, for that attitude alone is the necessary condition by which you realise your good.”
198) ”Mastery of self-control of your thoughts and feelings is your highest achievement.”
199) ”The test of a teacher, or a teaching, is to be found in the faithfulness of the taught.”
200) ”The important thing to bear in mind is that you have infinite free will in choosing your assumptions, but no power to determine conditions and events. You can create nothing, but your assumption determines what portion of creation you will experience.”
201) ”The seed you plant grows unaided by a man, for it contains within itself all the power and all the plans necessary for self-expression.”
202) ”Man attracts what he is.”
203) ”The whole of creation exists in you, and it is your destiny to become increasingly aware of its infinite wonders and to experience ever greater and grander portions of it.”
204) ”Every problem automatically produces its solution in the form of a desire to be free from the problem. Therefore, turn your back upon your problem and focus your attention upon the desired solution by already feeling yourself to be that which you desire. ”
205) ”You can attain this mastery by deliberate conscious control of your imagination. You determine your assumptions in this way.”
206) ”Creation is finished and you have free will to choose the state you will occupy.”
207) ”Man, not knowing that his world is his individual consciousness outpictured, vainly strives to conform to the opinion of others rather than to conform to the one and only opinion existent, namely, his own judgement of himself.”
208) ”Unless man discovers that his consciousness is the cause of every expression of his life, he will continue seeking the cause of his confusion in the world of effects, and so shall die in his fruitless search.”
209) ”You and your conception of yourself are one. You are and always will be greater than any conception you will ever have of yourself.”
210) ”The object of your desire is never far off; its intense nearness makes it remote from observation of the senses. It dwells in consciousness, and consciousness is closer than breathing and nearer than hands and feet.”
211) ”If we could master our inner conversations to mirror our desires on a daily basis, as if they were true, as if they were happening now, then all our desires would manifest, it is law.”
212) ”You must stop spending your thoughts, your time and your money. Everything in life must be an investment.”