Explore One Of most powerful Amazing And Inspirational C. JoyBell C. Quotes
01) ”Life just happens. That’s not the crazy part. The crazy part is when people fight it, when they don’t let it just happen.”
02) ”There are going to be people whom your former self was comfortable being with. Then there are going to be people who feel comfortable for the person that you are turning into, the one you are becoming.”
03) ”I hope everyone realises, that God is not the books, not the temples, not the facebook forwarded Bible verses. But God is how you treat people, how you love people, what you’ve done for other people. That’s God.”
04) ”Kindness is not a concept we throw around ourselves to decorate ourselves with, like robes we wear and then take off when we come home. But kindness is a presence, a phantom in our lives, a ghost, that we must choose to invite into our very present moments. ”
05) ”Throwing another person under the bus to save your own skin, in order to sustain a fabricated illusion that saves your own face, is the ultimate form of weakness and cowardice.”
06) ”Remember that peace of mind does not come from the state of affairs, nor does it come from detachment from anything around us. Peace of mind is within. An immovable ocean.”
07) ”Good things in life are like a flowing river, in order for it to flow, you need to take the boulder out. You are the boulder: your need to control outcomes, to direct results, to strangle a thing until you’ve understood it; that’s what turns you into a boulder in the middle of your own life. Let the good things happen to you. Get out of the way.”
08) ”The righteous are rarely kind and the kind are rarely righteous.”
09) ”We live in a time when everyone must bear arms on behalf of something on the outside of them that moves on the inside of their hearts.”
10) ”You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at you, but if you yourself don’t know it, all of that doesn’t even matter. Every second that you spend on doubting your worth, every moment that you use to criticize yourself, is a second of your life wasted, is a moment of your life thrown away.”
11) ”Those who do not speak, for they are afraid to hear the quiver in their voices; should not attempt to silence those who roar though their voices shake and quiver.”
12) ”The next time you worry about things like rules, relationships, and what people think about you, remember that some people are traveling to the moon and looking down at Earth like it’s a marble.”
13) ”Make sure that you are both the bee and the honey to your own honeycomb.”
14) ”A lot of these relationships out here are sticking together thanks to ropes of co-dependency, unhealthy and insecure attachment patterns, fears, control issues, and familiarity. Love is seldom. Soulmates are endangered.”
15) ”Do not ever allow your mind to rob your soul of what belongs to it.”
16) ”You don’t want to be righteous. You want to be just good enough to keep the company of angels and just bad enough so the devil isn’t out to get you.”
17) ”Love doesn’t mean sacrificing your mental health. Love doesn’t mean sacrificing your mental stability. Love doesn’t mean sacrificing your self-esteem and/or the validation of your feelings. Love doesn’t mean the end of you. At the end of Love, you should find more of you, not less of you.”
18) ”Life is like a roadtrip: you pass by many people and many situations and they’re all different. You don’t stop on your roadtrip to try and fix everything that you see along the way. Or judge every encounter as good or bad. You only experience what you see as part of your roadtrip, leaving everyone and everything at that. A compassionate acceptance.”
19) ”It is very easy for people to be kind to those who are less fortunate than they are. What’s not easy, is for people to be kind to those whom they find intimidating, to those they feel best them in one way or another.”
20) ”Uplift people, celebrate people, help people shine. Don’t stop to think about how you look in comparison; just celebrate people’s shiny moments.”
21) ”Happiness is a strange thing; even when it’s a deep happiness and makes you see everything in a soft glowy light.”
22) ”Those that feel shame, will want you to feel shame. Those that cannot speak, will want to cut your tongue. Those who are in cages, will trip you with sticks and pull you into their cages. Things never never want to be alone: bound things, shamed things, mute things– they never want to be alone. They are the plagues of life. Rid yourself of them.”
23) ”The great thing about most people is you never have to meet or speak to them.”
24) ”The humans who are kind to you in hell are the ones you’re supposed to take with you to heaven.”
25) ”All pain comes from the distance between where you are now and where you want to be; from the distance between what you have and what you want; the difference between who you are now and who you wish to become.”
25) ”Think. Speak. Speak what you think. Write. Question. Write what you question. Burn. Stand up. Stand up and set yourself on fire. Make waves in seas and rattle the stars in the sky. Don’t wait for anyone’s permission.”
26) ”We’re lying to our fragile selves all the time. We feel all shocked and horrified when we learn things about people, as if we don’t already know that we’re only dealing with the surface of a person at all times.”
27) ”Please remember that the lightning has never apologized for breaking skies open; the ocean has never said sorry for sinking ships. You, as well, must never apologize for being a force of nature.”
28) ”A true friendship is rooted in this principle: “The closer we are, the more respect I have for you, the better I will treat you, the higher I will regard you, the more good things I will wish for you.”
29) ”The facing of life is not through material objects; the facing of life is through the materials we carry with us in our minds and in our souls.”
30) ”If someone else makes my partner a better person, if someone else makes my partner happier than I can, if someone else breathes life into my partner in a way I cannot; then my partner should be with that person, not with me.”
31) ”You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy.”
32) ”It’s true; the heart within me is wild, fierce, kind and feeling. And I don’t mean this in concept or in theory. I mean this palpably and realistically.”
33) ”Wounds are what create depth in the human soul. Without the wounds, there would be no room for the seeds.”
34) ”Sometimes the cure for depression is not seeing more happiness around; rather, is in fact seeing how much happiness can exist in hell.”
35) ”It’s frightening to be alone, but it is even more frightening to be with someone who makes you feel alone.”
36) ”Don’t cover your cracks; that’s how the light gets in. Don’t cover your wounds; that’s how your light pours out. Don’t unweird yourself. Take up space enough for all the parts of you to come together.”
37) ”We are born with eyes not just to see beauty; but to find it. We are born with hands not just to hold beauty; but to create it. Don’t just sit there. Find and create. In others, in the world, in yourself.”
38) ”Forgiveness is a very curious thing, in that you must not only know how to forgive; but you must also know how to accept forgiveness. Both of these aspects are equally important. When someone forgives you— believe it.”
39) ”Some people are capable of giving so much more love, so much more warmth, so much more generosity and affection. It’s hard to be those people. Nobody can meet you there, in that place, where you radiate with sunlight.”
40) ”Love hard. Love not like the world loves. Love hard, go hard, let it kill you.”
41) ”When you feel a child inside of you springing to life, that’s how you know you’re where you should be.”
42) ”Fragrance is everything: it is the relationship between you and your mind, you and other people, you and this world. It is the life that you lead in your head. It is the life that you lead in the ways your skin feels. It is everything.”
43) ”Little is the imagination of the person who believes that the future of another may be determined by his/her past. We are so much more than our minds and our memories!”
44) ”Individuals who are focused on becoming better are individuals not easily offended. You can only offend those who are not on a path of constant growth and enlightenment.”
45) ”We choose perfumes for ourselves so we can tell the stories inside of us— the ones that we can’t possibly put into words.”
46) ”Marry the person who makes you feel like you can face life together. Because that’s what it’s about. It’s about facing life together.”
47) ”In a noisy world like ours, the best gift to have is a quiet mind. In a dangerous world like this one, the best gift to own is a calm soul. In a life like we are placed in, the best gift to receive is a serene outlook. May we have all three of these gifts.”
48) ”Sometimes you don’t know how much you loved someone until you start falling out of love with them. Because you start falling out of love with them in a million different ways, and you go, “Wow, I didn’t even know I loved that person in that way.”
49) ”People create sins out of nothing and in doing so have enslaved their fellow man! Man is not bound by sin but man is bound by the idea that almost everything he is doing is a sin!”
50) ”People who say they want peace, should know how to be peaceful.”
51) ”Trust in your story, it’s powerful enough. Oftentimes, it is not the lack of power that is our struggle; but it is our unawareness of the power that we do have, which is our biggest hurdle to surmount.”
52) ”Make no excuses for your authority nor for your fierce grace. Make no apologies for your boundaries nor for your decision to be vulnerable.”
53) ”People live in fear of bad being out to get them, when in reality, the bad side is there only to be in polar opposite proportion to the positive that you are destined to thrive in. Conquer the negative, and thrive in the positive.”
54) ”“Perhaps we are all shells; but some of us have found the pearls inside, and this makes all the difference!”
55) ”Someone once said that there are always flowers for those who want to find flowers. I think that’s true. But I also think that there are always cakes for those who want to find cakes.”
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56) ”People don’t believe you love them, because they don’t believe they can be loved. The problem is, they won’t tell you that. They might not even know that. Don’t you ever, ever, think that there’s something wrong with you. They accept the love they think they deserve.”
57) ”The quality of a man is not determined by the opinions that others hold of him, nor by the opinions that he holds of himself. The quality of a man is determined only by his actions and the choices that he makes.”
58) ”It’s easy to never make a mistake, when you are hiding yourself away from the possibility of making mistakes. It’s those who jump out of the nest who will fall and fly. Never judge the quality of an individual based upon how many mistakes they have made. It’s easier not to make any.”
59) ”People usually fall in love. But some people were born in love. Already. And always.”
60) ”Every year, we have 365 chances to begin a new lifetime.”
61) ”We can always lace a sense of humor around anything.”
62) ”The process of enlightenment and evolution can never happen without the realisation of shortcomings.”
63) ”Living in happiness means practicing the dance of “detachment-attachment”. On a daily basis, we must sense which moments, which events, which people, thoughts and circumstances to detach ourselves from; and which ones to attach ourselves to. Learning this dance, and doing it well, leads to happiness.”
64) ”Don’t make the mistake of ruining your future, so that you can save your past. You’ve got this one, precious life.”
65) ”Anything that’s shiny, shines due to its reflective quality. Reflection. People usually think that you are shiny because you are shiny.”
66) ”Usually our minds are full of things that we are afraid will defile the purity of our actions.”
67) ”If you feel that there is something more for you, that there is something more in this life that is meant for you, if you believe that, if you feel your bones ache at night echoeing this yearning back at you; then by all means, go and find it!”
68) ”Lots of people do not feel and do not care, deeply. They’re the sea creatures who were born to swim in the shallows. ”
69) ”Positiveness of Soul is favourably gained through the Love Nature, rather than through mental prowess.”
70) ”We wait upon finite minds to validate infinite things— this is evidence of human stupidity.”
71) ”Hold onto your innocence of heart, at all costs! Because it is the spark of deity that you are born with. Don’t let the trolls steal your divineness.”
72) ”Lots of people wait around “for the right time”. People don’t know that there is no such thing as a right time. Time is never right nor wrong. The only negative factor of time is that you can lose it and the only positive factor of time is that you can seize it.”
73) ”Life is never a complacent thing. It’s more like a verb. You’re not just alive; you have to consciously fuel every moment with life, regardless of whether or not your reality lines up with your ideals.”
74) ”The kindness that we receive from others in life, is also the kindness that we will want to give. The harshness that we receive from others in life, will also be the harshness that we will give. But true strength lies in seeing the harshness that we have received in life; and living in such a way so that that others will never feel the same from us.”
75) ”Life is so short, and love is so big. Too big for life! That’s why, when you love someone, they’d better know it. You’d better tell them. Love is meant for that, love is not meant to be hidden.”
76) ”Some people are optimists. Some people are pessimists. I’m just a realist who believes that some things are worth fighting for.”
77) ”Misunderstandings are a normal part of life, and the outcomes of these depend upon how we choose to react to them.”
78) ”This world and everything in it is only temporary; eternity is out there, we swim in it. And within our temporary bodies we carry inside of us eternity.”
79) ”That spark you felt ignite inside you, that split-second vision that you had of yourself bright like the Sun — believe that! Believe that.”
80) ”It has been said that life only gives us what we can handle. But this is not the case. Life often kills us, that’s the truth. But that’s how phoenixes are born.”
81) ”This world is not a wonderful place where unfortunately many evil things happen; but this world is a terrible place where fortunately many miracles and other wonderful things happen.”
82) ”The biggest mistake that parents make, is believing that their assigned task in life is to teach their children and to guide them in every situation of their children’s lives. The truth is that it is the task of parents to both learn from their children and to guide them as well.”
83) ”Silence in the face of injustice, is injustice in action.”
84) ”All of the demons, are angels, that someone chose not to love.”
85) ”The one who is born of the earth, dreams of the sky. The one who is born of the sky, dreams of the earth.”
86) ”Every day when you wake up, there is a crown prepared for you. Each day, forsake everything and everyone that will try to keep you from it.”
87) ”The root of all true greatness, is humility.”
88) ”It is difficult to feel things very strongly in a world wherein most of the time, the majority seem to be intoxicated and often senseless.”
89) ”Tranquility is not weakness; from tranquility emerges power and strength.”
90) ”We are all united by both pain and love. Both a smile and a wound. We are all united by these very basic yet very influential things, because we all recognize them, we all know what they feel like to have or to give. Everything else, all the other things that do not unite us— those things are all illusions.”
91) ”True kindness is an anchor that drops deep into the heart and you feel it while it’s dropping. Meanwhile, untrue kindness is merely a condition of the face.”
92) ”When you trust and you lose— it is because you were wrong to trust and what you believed was merely a phantom.”
93) ”Everyone screams for help in their own different way. Just because you don’t understand it, does not mean they’re not screaming. Let’s not have opinions or judgments on how people survive their lives.”
94) ”See everything, but judge nothing. Just choose your own path and let others choose their own. See everything, but judge no one. Just focus on your own path and let others focus on their own.”
95) ”Manhood is defined and decided by the ability to nurture and to protect, by the capability to provide and to sustain.”
96) ”Don’t hate people who show you what’s wrong with you. They are your mirror, they are your true friends.”
97) ”Marry the person who makes you feel like you can face life together. Because that’s what it’s about. It’s about facing life together.”
98) ”The conception of each star was at the point of no return; of a desperate soul struggling to master the winds!”
99) ”Life begins when we get tired of our own bullshit. We must all get bloody tired of our own bullshit, in order for our lives to begin.”
100) ”Too many people are endowed with a feeling of entitlement, but born without God-given empathy.”
101) ”Travel is the best teacher. The only way to an open mind is by taking a plane out into the open world.”
102) ”People who are unable to stand within the dark places of life, those who are always running towards their happy places, are the same things as candles without flames.”
103) ”Sometimes you just don’t know what’s going to happen, exactly. And that’s because sometimes you just don’t have control over circumstances in your life.”
104) ”Perfection: a collection of a variety of pieces that, when viewed and felt individually, are difficult and confusing; but when brought together as one, create a perfect picture. Symphony, harmony, serenity.”
105) ”People will always believe what they want to believe, about you. This is due to the fact that people wish to create their own truths; anything but the truth that’s real.”
106) ”Many things that don’t really mean so much of anything, are wonderful.”
107) ”Sometimes, I miss so much the person that I was before the world tore me up in so many places. If only “they” could have just let me stay that way.”
108) ”The most important things in a romantic relationship are compromise, honesty, openness, humility and trust. If you don’t have these with someone, you don’t have anything.”
109) ”It’s easy to make me laugh, you can make me laugh, anyone can make me laugh, but that certainly does not mean you can make me do anything.”
110) ”Heaven is always there for us; but this life,this life is a gift to us.”
111) ”Friendship is so important. The goal of a good friendship should be for life! To keep it for life! If you find a friendship, and it gives you a joy inside, a peace, and a freedom; keep that friendship for life.”
112) ”There is no need to always require a smile! Happiness is more of a look in the eyes, than a smile on the face!”
113) ”One of the most beneficial and valuable gifts we can give to ourselves in this life: is allowing ourselves to be surprised! It is okay if life surprises you. Its a good thing!”
114) ”There is something simply beautiful and simply innocent, in being human. It is just so innocent and beautiful.”
115) ”It is not needful for our dreams to be very grand nor very big. It is only needful for our dreams to be very shiny.”
116) ”Let go of the mistakes and the sins of others. You’ll have plenty of time to make your own mistakes, the rest of your life to commit your own sins.”
117) ”We must not be defined by what we do, but we must be what and who we are, then only happen to do what we do!”
118) ”A broken soul is not the absence of beauty, but a cracked and torn soul reeks of the sweet incense it contains.”
119) ”The journey to a thousand stars is not too far a journey in the quest to have true love abiding in a pure heart.”
120) ”Our key to greatness lies not in our ability to project ourselves to others as if we are putting ourselves onto a projector and creating an image of ourselves on a projector screen. ”