108 Powerful and Motivational Steve Harvey quotes(2022)


1) ”Life is going to get bad sometimes. You’ll make poor choices. You’ll fail. You’ll lose hope and maybe want to give up. If you jump, and trust that He will be there to help you soar, there is nothing you cannot achieve.”

2) ”Stop giving your gift to those who want to use you for the development of their legacy, at the cost of yours.”

Motivational Steve Harvey quotes

3) ”You can be happy, or you can be right. If you want to be part of a couple and win every argument, you’re in trouble.”

4) ”What you want out of life is the thing you have to give the most of.”

5) ”When you’re up in life, your friends get to know who you are. When you’re down in life, you get to know who your friends are.”

6) ”People get jealous and use whatever information they have to make you feel bad and themselves feel better.”

7) ”Forgiveness is for you. It does more for you than the other person.”

8) ”Everybody by your side ain’t on your side.”

9) ”If you are waking up with the sensation that there has got to be more in life, then there is.”

10) ”You don’t just sit in the car and let some guy drive you through life, wasting your time.”

11) ”Avoid people who are always having a bad day. In their minds, nothing ever works in their favor. They have a chronic ‘Woe Is Me’ campaign that they continue to launch full blast. This kind of negativity depletes enthusiasm. You don’t need the woe is me speech every day.”

12) ”So many people are missing their way in life because they are afraid to sign the lease on their gift.”

13) ”My calling is to help people, to teach people, to share with people, until I die. I can never stop doing that. I can’t, and I don’t want to.”

14) ”People don’t like to hear the truth out here because the truth makes them think.”

15) ”I am from the hood. I never had nothing. Now that I have something, I must give back.”

16) ”Change comes in every person’s life. You can either react to it or you can participate in it.”

17) ”He’s an honest man who does what he says.”

18) ”I’m not a doctor. I just have a tremendous amount of common sense.”

19) ”Failure is a great teacher, and I think when you make mistakes and you recover from them and you treat them as valuable learning experiences, then you’ve got something to share.”

20) ”Catch fire today! Make today the day you stop complaining and do something.”

21) ”Your career is what you’re paid for. Your calling is what you’re made for.”

22) ”There’s no such thing as luck. These are blessings. God endows them upon you. He makes you a blessing to become a blessing.”

23) ”Your mission, your purpose and your destiny will all be tied to one thing, your gift.”

24) ”God lets you be successful because he trusts you that you will do the right thing with it. Now, does he get disappointed often? All the time, because people get there and they forget how they got it.”

25) ”You have to aspire to something so great that you have to have God’s help.”

26) ”God has already lined up all the people in your path to get you to your dreams and your visions. All you have to do is get rid of the wrong ones.”

27) ”Some parts of your vision are meant to be shared, in confidence, only with a trusted mentor, friend, or family member. And some aspects of your vision honestly don’t need to go beyond your prayer time with God.”

28) ”Sometimes we don’t appreciate Prayer until we have to go through something!”

29) ”There has been nothing more impactful on my life and meaningful to me than the introduction of Christ.  That, hands down, blows away every joke I’ve ever written.”

30) ”If you pray about it don’t worry about it. If you’re going to worry about it don’t pray about it.”

31) ”God doesn’t make any mistakes. You are exactly where you are supposed to be right now.”

32) ”Prayer changes things.”

33) ”If you don’t have a base, you can’t not have a spiritual base and survive. That’s probably what has kept me out of the tabloids. Then I go home, I’ve got a family, and I keep my wife in front of my head.”

34) ”God’s plan for you is greater than any plan you can think of.”

35) ”Find that one glimmer of light in the darkness.”

36) ”The most successful people in this world recognize that taking chances to get what they want is much more productive than sitting around being too scared to take a shot.”

37) ”You are never too old to reinvent yourself.”

38) ”Sometimes out of your biggest misery, comes your greatest gain.”

39) ”You have the potential for greatness.”

40) ”If you want to be successful, you have to jump, there’s no way around it. When you jump, I can assure you that your parachute will not open right away. But if you do not jump, your parachute will never open. If you’re safe, you’ll never soar!”

41) ”The more people you help become successful the more successful you become.”

42) ”When you’re happy at home, you can make a lot of things happen.”

43) ”Your dream has to be bigger than your fear.”

44) ”Success is not just about your ability to achieve, but also your ability to serve through sharing. True success lives in our legacies.”

45) ”Don’t ever be afraid to put yourself in a lesser position so that you can learn something from someone who knows more.”

46) ”The four P’s to success are pressure, persistence, perseverance, and prayer.”

47) ”Some of us have been playing the same self-defeating records over and over again in our heads for so long that we don’t know how to think any differently about ourselves.”

48) ”You can’t tell big dreams to small minded people.”

49) ”Successful people appreciate where they have come from, but they don’t let their past set the tone for their future. Successful people are innovators.”

50) ”A person has to remember that the road to success is always under construction. You have to get that through your head. That it is not easy becoming successful.”

51) ”Men produce strategies for success.”

52) ”Procrastination will delay your change! Today is a very good day to change. Don’t let you stop yourself from growing.”

53) ”I pay attention to every minute of the day.”

54) ”Failure means you’ve now learned another valuable lesson that pushes you one step closer to success.”

55) ”What I learned from that moment is that when you face your fears, they aren’t as big as you thought they were. What makes them big is when you don’t turn around to face them head-on. The longer you avoid your fears, the bigger they grow in your mind.”

56) ”Your gift is something that you can do innately better than anything else.”

57) ”The number one cause of failure in this country is the fear of failure.”

58) ”What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”

59) ”Your reality is yours. Stop wasting time looking at someone else’s reality while doing nothing about yours.”

60)”The dream is free, but the hustle is sold separately.”

61) ”You can’t go forward and backwards at the same time.”

62) ”Your setback is just a setup for a comeback.”

63) ”I’m a comedian first. I’ve learned how to act. I just draw on life experiences and that’s how I learned. I didn’t take classes or anything. I don’t need no classroom.”

64) ”I was homeless. I lived in a car for a couple of years. That was the worst. But nothing was worse than when I was 40 and my mom passed away. My mother was the best person I ever knew. Those were the two lowest points.”

65) ”Growth is in a series of mistakes. That’s the only way you learn.”

66) ”Excuses are the lies you convince yourself are true to avoid proving you are worthy of the gift you were given. Say this with me, no more excuses.”

67) ”Wake up and smile! Wake up and be grateful!”

68) ”My father instilled in me to take care of my family. Show up even when you don’t want to show up.”

69) ”Let a man see what he can get but make him imagine what he can have.”

70) ”If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your mind.”

71) ”Don’t let your mind stop you.”

72) ”Don’t hate the player. Change the game.”

73) ”Do not ignore your gift. Your gift is the thing you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort.”

74) ”Do not ignore the passion that burns in you. Spend time to discover your gift.”

75) ”God has already lined up all the people in your path to get you to your dreams and your visions; all you have to do is get rid of the wrong ones.”

76) ”The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.”

77) ”How do you expect to get what you need if you don’t open up your mouth and ask for it? Our lives are a direct reflection of our communication. If you are unwilling to communicate your needs to your employers, customers, partners, and family members, you can’t blame them for not giving you what you need.”

78) ”Excuses are the lies you convince yourself are true to avoid proving you are worthy of the gift you were given. Say this with me—“NO MORE EXCUSES.”

79) ”So, I ask you again—what’s next? There has to be a reason to get up tomorrow. There has to be a reason to go forward. Your calling has to be stronger than your current circumstances to help your dream keep moving forward.”

80) ”Most often, perishing is a slow, painful process, and if you aren’t paying attention, it will trick you into thinking that this is the way things are supposed to be. By failing to have a vision, you are stripping yourself of every possible blessing, relationship, and opportunity. When you sit by and just let your life perish without a vision, it is the most painful kind of death.”

81) ”Goals are dreams with their feet on the ground.”

82) ”The what’s next is the reason to keep waking up. The what’s next is the driving force for all successful people. There always has to be a what’s next.”

83) ”You’ve got to quit lowering your standards. Set your requirements upfront so when a guy hooks you, he has to know this is business.”

84) ”I’m just a living witness that you can be an imperfect soldier and still be in the army fighting for God Almighty. Don’t you think you got to be perfect ’cause I ain’t.”

85) ”A guy that’s really serious about you, he’s gotta be talking to you, he’s gotta want to have one-on-one, in-your-face interaction. That’s how we are.”

86) ”How can smart women be so stupid about men sometimes? Lack of knowledge. It’s what men have kept secret for so long.”

87) ”I don’t think it’s cool for people to say, ‘You shouldn’t reference God because I don’t believe that, and I don’t want to hear it.’ Well, there’s a lot of stuff I don’t believe that I still gotta hear.”

88) ”God lets you be successful because he trusts you that you will do the right thing with it. Now, does he get disappointed often? All the time, because people get there and they forget how they got it.”

89) ”Women are the real reason we get up every day. I’m talking about real men. If there were no women, I would not even have to bathe, because why would I care? These are guys I’m hanging with. I wake up for a woman every day of my life to make it happen for her.”

90) ”A person has to remember that the road to success is always under construction. You have to get that through your head. That it is not easy becoming successful.”

91) ”I think there are so many books out there written on relationships and romance that women are the authors of. How can women know exactly how men think? And there are so many guys out there with relationship books who are just not telling the truth. They have shaded parts.”

92) ”You are never too old to reinvent yourself.”

93) ”Men don’t come up to you to just talk. We come up to you with a plan. We’re looking across the room at you, and we don’t care about your hopes and dreams. We don’t care about what your future holds. We saw something we wanted.”

94) ”Failure is a great teacher, and I think when you make mistakes and you recover from them and you treat them as valuable learning experiences, then you’ve got something to share.”

95) ”When you put your efforts into your gift, you are giving God something to bless.”

96) ”If you do what you’ve always done, your life will not get better.”

97) ”You should be living your life surrounded by people who are like-minded, service-oriented, and grateful, people who are trying to accomplish things, and who bring something to the table.”

98) ”So many people are missing their way in life because they are afraid to sign the lease on their gift.”

99) ”When we utilize our gift, the universe thanks us by giving us an abundance of riches—from abundant opportunities to good health to financial wealth.”

100) ”You have to learn to convince yourself that the possibility is greater than the inevitability of doing nothing. ”

101) ”Don’t ever be afraid to put yourself in a lesser position so that you can learn something from someone who knows more.”

102) ”Some parts of your vision are meant to be shared, in confidence, only with a trusted mentor, friend, or family member. And some aspects of your vision honestly don’t need to go beyond your prayer time with God.”

103) ”Our creator, in his infinite wisdom, created every single soul with a gift. Your gift may be totally unique or it may be similar to.”

104) ”What I learned from that moment is that when you face your fears, they aren’t as big as you thought they were. What makes them big is when you don’t turn around to face them head-on. The longer you avoid your fears, the bigger they grow in your mind.”

105) ”Change comes in every person’s life. You can either react to it or you can participate in it.”

106) ”When you understand that God blesses you to become a blesser, you will realize that giving back will become an important part of your success.”

107) ”Successful people appreciate where they have come from, but they don’t let their past set the tone for their future. Successful people are innovators.”

108) ”Success is not just about your ability to achieve, but also your ability to serve through sharing. True success lives in our legacies”

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