100+ Powerful and Inspiring Sadhguru Quotes-2023


1) ‘’When your wanting to know something is so intense that you are wiling to die for it, then knowing is not far away.’’-SADHGURU

2) ‘’If you do not do what you cannot do, that’s no problem. But if you do not, what you can do, you are a tragedy.’’-SADHGURU

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3) ‘’When pain, misery, or anger happens, it is time to look within you, not around you.’’-SADHGURU

4) ‘’The fear is simply because you are not living with life, you are living in your mind.’’-SADHGURU

5) ‘’The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering idiots are always dead are about every damn thing they are doing in their life.’’-SADHGURU

6) ‘’No work is stressful. It is your inability to manage your body, mind and emotions that makes it stressful.’’-SADHGURU

7) ‘’Most of your desires are not really about yourself. You just picked them up from your social surroundings.’’-SADHGURU

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8) ‘’If you want to know whether you are moving forward in life, just see if you are a little more joyful today than you were yesterday.’’-SADHGURU

9) ‘’Do not try to fix whatever comes in your life. Fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine.’’-SADHGURU

10) ‘’You claim that you love somebody but if they don’t fulfill your needs, you won’t love them. I don’t call this love, call this as a mutual benefits.’’-SADHGURU

11)  ‘’The quality and quantity of your harvest is in direct proportion to the quality and quantity of your striving.’’-SADHGURU

12)  ‘’What you need to make your marriage successful is not the perfect person. What you need is absolute integrity.’’-SADHGURU

13) ‘’If you want your relationship to work, constantly remind yourself that the other is more significant than you.’’-SADHGURU

14) ‘’Time is slipping away for all of us at the same pace. You cannot manage time, but you can manage your energy.’’-SADHGURU

15) ‘’Where there is integrity, there will be trust. Where there is trust, there will be an atmosphere for success.’’-SADHGURU

16) ‘’if you do not do what you cannot do, that’s no problem. But if you do not what you can do, you are a tragedy.’’-SADHGURU

17) ‘’Unleash your desire; limit it not to the limited. In the boundlessness of the desire is your ultimate nature.’’-SADHGURU

18) ‘’Life is Magic. Because you got trapped in the limitations of your logic, you are not experiencing the Magic.’’-SADHGURU

19) ‘’The Fall of a leaf so gentle but profound, as those who fall willingly are the ones who rise to the highest.’’-SADHGURU

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20) ‘’Some think it’s in the wine, and other think it’s in the divine, but pleasantness is what everyon’s seeking.’’-SADHGURU

21) ‘’Whatever is your highest, you just contemplate upon that. Your inner and outer purity will happen naturally.’’-SADHGURU

22) ‘’When there is prejudice and resentment in you, it will make you suffer more than physical disease or injury.’’-SADHGURU

23) ‘’Your ability to love, to reach out, and to experience life is limitless. The limitation is only of the mind.’’-SADHGURU

24) ‘’If you are conscious that you are mortal, there is no time to do anything stupid. You have to stay on track.’’-SADHGURU

25) ‘’Human life is a possibility. Do you have the courage and commitment to make the possibility into a reality.’’-SADHGURU

26) ‘’Time and physicality are directly related. Time exists in your experience only because of your physicality.’’-SADHGURU

27) ‘’Even if I am with a million people, I am always alone. I do not see people as people. I see them as myself.’’-SADHGURU

28) ‘’How healthy and strong a body you have and how dynamic and sharp a mind is what will take you through life.’’-SADHGURU

29) ‘’The greatest contribution that you can do to all around you is, Make yourself into a wonderful Human Being.’’-SADHGURU

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30) ‘’Compulsiveness is like darkness – you cannot fight with it. You have to turn on the light of consciousness.’’-SADHGURU

31) ‘’You cannot fix the past, but you can create a distance with it. That is how the yogic system approaches it.’’-SADHGURU

32) ‘’Most of your desires are not really about yourself. You just picked them up from your social surroundings.’’-SADHGURU

33) ‘’It is time we choose quality over quantity in our lives, in every sense. Only then we can save the planet.’’-SADHGURU

34) ‘’Being a creature on the planet means the hand of the Creator has touched you. There is no better blessing.’’-SADHGURU

35) ‘’A child is someone who is fresh from the Divine works. Try not to teach but imbibe the ways of the Divine.’’-SADHGURU

36) ‘’Do everything like it is the last thing you do. There is nothing to hold back, nothing to save for later.’’-SADHGURU

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37) ‘’Mysticism is not a technology for enlightenment. Mysticism is pure science – an exploration of existence.’’-SADHGURU

38) ‘’Life is a process, not a problem. The question is only, have you prepared yourself for the process or not.’’-SADHGURU

39) ‘’Devotion is a place where you do not exist; life just flows through you as a certain sweetness and beauty.’’-SADHGURU

40) ‘’The most significant thing about being human is you determine the nature and the pace of your evolution.’’-SADHGURU

41) ‘’The Nation is not the land – it is the people. In transforming the people, we shall have a great Nation.’’-SADHGURU

42) ‘’Only when you are absolutely devoted to what you do, you can produce something significant in the world.’’-SADHGURU

43) ‘’Who you are is your making. Once you understand this, at least you must make yourself to your own liking.’’-SADHGURU

44) ‘’Someone who is differently abled does not need your compassion or kindness – they just need acceptance.’’-SADHGURU

45) ‘’Turning inward naturally brings realisation that our existence and the outside world are not different.’’-SADHGURU

46)  ‘’Nature gave you this intelligence to seek and access the Infinite, not to calculate in limited numbers.’’-SADHGURU

47) ‘’Fears and insecurities are unconsciously created by you. If you do not create them, they do not exist.’’-SADHGURU

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48) ‘’The mind is like a puzzle with too many pieces missing. Trying to make sense out of it makes no sense.’’-SADHGURU

49) ‘’Your entire life is a Virtual Reality, because you are seeing it only the way it happens in your mind.’’-SADHGURU

50) ‘’You cannot live here without trusting existence. If you trust consciously, lovingly, that’s devotion.’’-SADHGURU

51) ‘’If you want your body and brain to work well, the first thing is to become joyful by your own nature.’’-SADHGURU

52) ‘’When you eat, you take in a part of the earth. How we treat the planet is how we treat our own bodies.’’-SADHGURU

53) ‘’How you handle a situation is not entirely your choice. But how you handle yourself is entirely yours.’’-SADHGURU

54) ‘’Health is not just being disease-free. Health is when every cell in your body is bouncing with life.’’-SADHGURU

55) ‘’Do not look up to anything, nor look down on anything. Then you will see creation just the way it is.’’-SADHGURU

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56) ‘’Every particle in your body is communicating with the entire cosmos. Yoga is about experiencing that.’’-SADHGURU

57) ‘’People are lazy because they do not know how to rest. If you are restful, you are ready for activity.’’-SADHGURU

58) ‘’Compassion is not condescending kindness. It is a passionate engagement with everything around you.’’-SADHGURU

59) ‘’Being in touch with the earth is a reminder that your body is just that – earth. Never forget this.’’-SADHGURU

60) ‘’Yoga is not just about twisting and turning. Yoga means to exist in union with the rest of creation.’’-SADHGURU

61) ‘’Nothing is accidental here. The whole physical existence is happening between cause and consequence.’’-SADHGURU

62) ‘’To volunteer is to become willing. To be willing beyond personal choices is the way to liberation.’’-SADHGURU

63) ‘’For a committed person, there is no such thing as failure – just lessons to be learned on the way.’’-SADHGURU

64) ‘’A Guru is like a live roadmap – more important than anything when you are lost in unknown terrain.’’-SADHGURU

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65) ‘’If you constantly remember that you are mortal, you will walk gently and sensibly upon this planet.’’-SADHGURU

66) ‘’No relationship is absolute – it is always variable. You have to conduct it well on a daily basis.’’-SADHGURU

67) ‘’If you want to receive, you have to give. This is not a marketplace rule. This is the way of life.’’-SADHGURU

68) ‘’You being a pleasant piece of life is one hundred percent in your hands, if you take charge of it.’’-SADHGURU

69) ‘’No one can cause mental pain to you. It is you – in reaction to something that happens around you.’’-SADHGURU

70) ‘’Lust is a strong need. Love is not a need. When you love, you settle down; nothing more is needed.’’-SADHGURU

71) ‘’This is the nature of existence – if you do the right things, the right things will happen to you.’’-SADHGURU

72) ‘’How alive, active, passionate, or even ecstatic you are simply depends on your level of intensity.’’-SADHGURU

73) ‘’It is time to conquer the world with inclusiveness and generosity, not with wars and brutal power.’’-SADHGURU

74) ‘’The beauty of spring is, the fruit is yet to come, but the flower is a promise and a possibility.’’-SADHGURU

75) ‘’If not every day, at least once a month, take stock – are you evolving into a better Human Being.’’-SADHGURU

76) ‘’You want to be loved because you feel incomplete. Otherwise, being loved can be quite a nuisance.’’-SADHGURU

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77) ‘’Sport suspends Reality for you, allowing you a breath of fresh air from the rigors of the mundane.’’-SADHGURU

78) ‘’The most precious thing in life is life itself. Are you getting it now or only on your deathbed?’’-SADHGURU

79) ‘’If human beings were experiencing life beyond the physical, violence would go down dramatically.’’-SADHGURU

80) ‘’My only intention is that you blossom into a full-fledged life because that’s all life is about.’’-SADHGURU

81) ‘’Your brain need not deteriorate with age. With simple yogic practices, you can keep enhancing it.’’-SADHGURU

82) ‘’The purpose of existence is to exist. It is too fantastic to be stymied by meanings of any sort.’’-SADHGURU

83) ‘’May you be overwhelmed by life, this tremendous phenomenon that is creation and Creator at once.’’-SADHGURU

84) ‘’Do you want to look good or feel good? How wonderful you feel within yourself is most important.’’-SADHGURU

85) ‘’Book is a tool to access aspects of life that one could not touch, through the eyes of another.’’-SADHGURU

86) ‘’Don’t be dead serious about your life. Seriousness will bring the quality of Death while alive.’’-SADHGURU

87) ‘’It is not the amount of action but the depth of experience that makes life rich and fulfilling.’’-SADHGURU

88) ‘’A revolutionary beyond compare and above all a being beyond shackles of strife and circumstance.’’-SADHGURU

89) ‘’Children need not fit into caste, creed, or class. They have to blossom into their own nature.’’-SADHGURU

90) ‘’Once your life is an expression of your blissfulness, you will not be in conflict with anyone.’’-SADHGURU

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91) ‘’A consecrated space experientially reminds you that there is much more to life than you think.’’-SADHGURU

92) ‘’The intellect is like a knife – the sharper, the better. As long as you know how to handle it.’’-SADHGURU

93) ‘’Life is just a slice of time. If one values life, one has to do everything at the right time.’’-SADHGURU

94) ‘’Most people in the world are not really busy – they are just preoccupied, and that is tiring.’’-SADHGURU

95) ‘’Once you are clear about what you are doing and why, other people’s opinions will not matter.’’-SADHGURU

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96) ‘’The way people are living today, I would say, never do unto others what you do unto yourself.’’-SADHGURU

97) ‘’Peace cannot be enforced from outside. It is a consequence of how we are within ourselves.’’-SADHGURU

98) ‘’Risk is in the eye of the beholder. For the one who does it, it could be calibrated action.’’-SADHGURU

99) ‘’The idea of God came up because people have no explanation for such a magnificent creation.’’-SADHGURU

100) ‘’External circumstances can only cause you physical pain. Suffering is created in your mind.’’-SADHGURU

101) ‘’You do not have to pursue something intensely; you as a being should become very intense.’’-SADHGURU

101) ‘’A Seeker of Truth shall never know the comfort of conclusions. Only Intensity and Seeking.’’-SADHGURU

102) ‘’The intensity of your experience is more important than the immensity of your possessions.’’-SADHGURU

103) ‘’For compulsiveness, there is only one cure – consciousness. There is simply no other way.’’-SADHGURU

104) ‘’Truth means ‘that which is.’ To make friends with ‘that which is,’ you simply have to Be.’’-SADHGURU

105) ‘’An intelligent person knows that he is a fool but a fool does not know that he is a fool.’’-SADHGURU

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106) ‘’Life is a dance of time and energy. Keeping the two in good rhythm is the beauty of life.’’-SADHGURU

107) ‘’There is no substitute for involvement. Where there is no involvement, there is no life.’’-SADHGURU

108) ‘’Your experience of life does not depend on who or what is around you but on how you are.’’-SADHGURU

109) ‘’Once your mind becomes absolutely still, your intelligence transcends human limitations.’’-SADHGURU

110) ‘’Enormous potential and possibilities are destroyed in your life by the fear of suffering.’’-SADHGURU

111) ‘’You don’t go to a Guru for solace. He is not a tranquilizer-he is there to awaken you.’’-SADHGURU

112) ‘’This is not about being superhuman – this is about realizing that being human is super.’’-SADHGURU

113) ‘’Everyone has dreams, but how many are willing to stake their life to fulfill that dream?’’-SADHGURU

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114) ‘’I’m trying to increase the percentage of ecstatic people on the planet. You are my hope.’’-SADHGURU

115) ‘’Enough tree population in the river basin will make Cauvery walk and bring prosperity.’’-SADHGURU

116) ‘’If you want to live strong, you need to be in touch with the five elements constantly.’’-SADHGURU

117) ‘’Youth have a natural affinity for Truth. Truth meaning what truly works on all levels.’’-SADHGURU

118) ‘’Talking or acting spiritual is of no use. Spirituality is about transforming yourself.’’-SADHGURU

119) ‘’When people are alone, they become spiritual. When in company, they become religious.’’-SADHGURU

120) ‘’Our concept of education has to go beyond manufacturing cogs for the economic engine.’’-SADHGURU

121) ‘’Memory is like a treadmill. It gives you a lot of exercise, never takes you anywhere.’’-SADHGURU

122) ‘’When you are no more identified with your physicality, you become available to Grace.’’-SADHGURU

123) ‘’This is the age of expression without perception. To know life, you need perception.’’-SADHGURU

124) ‘’A Guru is a friend who constantly tramples your ego. It’s a very delicate operation.’’-SADHGURU

125) ‘’This moment, how joyful you are within yourself determines the quality of your life.’’-SADHGURU

126) ‘’This land needs more men and women of his ilk and profoundness. Let my country arise.’’-SADHGURU

127) ‘’If we nurture hatred and violence against others, someday, it will come back to us.’’-SADHGURU

128) ‘’Everything in existence is in dynamic motion. Either move with it or rise above it.’’-SADHGURU

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129) ‘’Ecological sustenance and the Inclusive nature of spiritual process are inseparable.’’-SADHGURU

130) ‘’Are you creating poison within you or the fragrance of the Divine? This is a choice.’’-SADHGURU

131) ‘’When pain, misery, or anger happen, it is time to look within you, not around you.’’-SADHGURU

132) ‘’Do what really matters to you in life. Whatever it is, it should be worthy of you.’’-SADHGURU

133) ‘’Don’t think spirituality means having a nice, quiet life – it means being on fire.’’-SADHGURU

134) ‘’Taking care of the environment is not an obligation – our environment is our life.’’-SADHGURU

135) ‘’Do you have any proof that you are not already in heaven and making a mess of it?’’-SADHGURU

136) ‘’What you do should not define who you are. Who you are should define what you do.’’-SADHGURU

137) ‘’Only the one who is beyond the fear of losing oneself can know love, can be love.’’-SADHGURU

138) ‘’Beauty is not a question of shapes and forms. It is a question of what you exude.’’-SADHGURU

139)  ‘’The Beauty of Motherhood is not a certain capability but willingness to include.’’-SADHGURU

140) ‘’Learning per se is always liberating. What is frustrating is when it is imposed.’’-SADHGURU

141) ‘’We have to make people realize that God doesn’t need soldiers who fight for him.’’-SADHGURU

142) ‘’The mind is madness. Only when you go beyond the mind, will there be Meditation.’’-SADHGURU

143) ‘’I am just interested in life. Whatever and wherever, I am inevitably involved.’’-SADHGURU

144) ‘’Heaven and hell are not geographical locations, just dimensions of experience.’’-SADHGURU

145) ‘’On this day, Gautama the Buddha became a Blessed Being to be cherished forever.’’-SADHGURU

146) ‘’Life has a certain pace. You should be joyfully in a hurry but never impatient.’’-SADHGURU

147) ‘’Only when you are truly joyful, can you genuinely reach out to other people.’’-SADHGURU

148) ‘’If you are very happy, you will do many more things than if you are unhappy.’’-SADHGURU

149) ‘’When pain, misery, or anger happen, it is time to look within you, not around you.’’-SADHGURU

150) ‘’The fear is simply because you are not living with life, You are living in your mind.’’-SADHGURU

151) ‘’Too many people are hungry not because there is dearth of food. It is because there is dearth of love and care in human hearts.’’-SADHGURU

152) ‘’Love is your quality. Love is not what you do. Love is what you are.’’-SADHGURU

153)  ‘’If you think you are big, you become small. If you know you are nothing, you become unlimited. That’s the beauty of being a human being.’’-SADHGURU

154) ‘’If you think hundred percent logically, there is really no possibility of life.’’-SADHGURU

155) ‘’There is so much adventure that only a youth can experience. Youth is not the time to languish in pleasure – youth is the time for exploration and adventure.’’-SADHGURU

156) ‘’Only if you know to what extent your logic should go and where it should not go, your life will be beautiful.’’-SADHGURU

157) ‘’Bullshit may get you to the top, but it never lets you stay there!’’-SADHGURU

158) ‘’There is only one calamity: ignorance. And there is only one solution: enlightenment.’’-SADHGURU

159) ‘’Every opinion you have about anything can be a limiting identity.’’-SADHGURU

160) ‘’Your mind need not be controlled; your mind needs to be liberated.’’-SADHGURU

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161) ‘’Don’t think of this as your first step or last step. Just be here as a piece of life. That is the best way to be. You are not a young man; you are not an old man. You are just a piece of life.’’-SADHGURU

162) ‘’That which knows how to bend will not break.’’-SADHGURU

163) ‘’Once your intellect gets identified with something, it gets chained to the identifications, and leaves you with a completely distorted experience of the world.’’-SADHGURU

164)  ‘’Believing means you have assumed something that you do not know; seeking means you have realized that you do not know.’’-SADHGURU

165) ‘’Life should touch you, even if life smothers you, it’s better than remaining untouched by life.’’-SADHGURU

166) ‘’Whatever has been the highest experience in your life should become the centerpiece around which your life is structured.’’-SADHGURU

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